This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 60 11.2 Developer Options?

I could only blink as I watched Guidance rub her cheeks all over the shocked princess. To my surprise, Shizu actually made her way to the bed and let the dev wrap her arms around her, the former\'s brain clearly defaulting in real-time as the latter began copping a feel on what was ostensibly her metaphorical daughter.

"Oh how I dreamed of this moment..." Guidance lecherously whispered. "Shizu... Oh my baby Shizu..."

"M-My lady! P-Please..."

Quite frankly, watching two women getting handsy with one another should be a sight to behold for any man. However, my conscience wasn\'t as depraved as any other isekai protagonist would\'ve been. Seeing Shizu so uncomfortable that she was blue-screening was just pitiful, and seeing Guidance act more lecherous than any other guy I was friends with was kind of a massive turn-off.

"Knock it off, Guidance," I sighed, trying my best to get in between the two girls as I pried the dev off her OC. "I know you wrote and designed her, but that doesn\'t mean you can just grope her without consent."


I shook my head as I turned to face an utterly flushed Shizu, "Hey, you alright?"

"A-An [Eld God] wants me... Guidance wants me...."

Oh boy... "Shizu?"

Thankfully, the second time worked like a charm as the princess snapped herself back to reality. "Y-Yes?!"

"I was asking if you\'re okay."

"Oh? Y-Yes! I\'m fine!" she hastily replied, the mad blush on her face still present. "It\'s just...."

"She\'s not a god," I firmly repeated the fact with a stern voice. "She\'s just as human as we are. She even has what\'s clearly a [Manifest]."

And wasn\'t that one of the things I was just dying to learn what it did. With the one person capable of working on the game\'s code now inside the game with me, how in the world would she ever interact with her game now?

"Y-yeah... Sorry about that," Guidance meekly apologized, her white bathrobe going back up her shoulders as she turned her head away. "I was just over-excited."

"Go figure," I sighed. "Still, we have a lot of things to talk about. Namely, how you even got here."

At my word, Shizu turned her gaze back up to me, a calculative look replacing her shy nature as she visibly went through her own version of the events. From my own experience, I just found myself dozing off in front of the loading screen, and the next thing I knew, I was already on the character creation screen.

"Hmm... From what I can remember, I was trying to fix some bugs after my programming software crashed," Guidance hummed. "I dozed off, and the next thing I saw was you and Shizu..."

"So you\'re saying that you also just inexplicably found yourself getting transported here?"

"I don\'t know how else to put it," she shrugged, her tone slowly coming back to the confident and sometimes sarcastic dev that I slowly came to know. "However, I didn\'t go through the [Manifest] creation segment of the game... And yet..."

The three of us all found ourselves staring at the shiny monochrome keyboard that was seemingly glued to Guidance\'s person. No matter how hard we tried to pry it away from her unconscious body, the keyboard always somehow managed to find its way back to her side, clipped by the side of her pajamas like some kind of holster.

"That\'s clearly a keyboard," I pointed out.

"Uhmm... what\'s a keyboard?"

Both Guidance and I looked at Shizu like she was some kind of old lady from the 60s. Wait... That wasn\'t fair to her, actually.

"Care to do the honor, Guidance?"

At my quick ability to dodge responsibility, the dev cleared her throat as she lifted the keyboard up to her lap. Placing her hands over it as naturally as she could, she pressed one button. Then two. Then she started typing on it like she was actually seeing an invisible screen.

"A keyboard is a machine that can interact with any type of electronic device," the dev coolly explained. "With the right knowledge about programming language, you can create any type of code or executable file in existence."

My eyes widened as a small light suddenly sprang up from the center of the keyboard. A light screen opened in front of Guidance, lines of code running through the window at the same speed as the woman\'s typing as her eyes honed in on what she was doing.

"W-What is it doing?"

"I don\'t know either."


Guidance\'s nonreaction to her own actions threw both Shizu and I for a loop as the dev absently continued with her seeming work. Her fingers never stopped flying through each keystroke, the clacking of the keyboard echoing across the room as she stared at the screen.

"What do you mean, you don\'t know?" I skeptically asked.

"The code I\'m seeing right now is utterly useless. And yet somehow, I can still tell that I\'m doing something?" the dev hesitantly responded, seemingly unsure of herself despite her flying fingers. "This... ability looks like I can still fix the game even if I\'m already in it."

I raised an eyebrow at what she just said. If that was true, then Guidance would literally be able to bug test her own game and even fix them on the spot. Assuming that she even knew what the problem was in the first place.

"So that means you can manipulate the world around us, yeah?"

"In a sense," the dev spoke. "It\'ll take some time, but if I can code it, I can make it happen."

I whistled. That was actually pretty broken in terms of game abilities. Not that it would matter, seeing as I couldn\'t see it being used in any actual combat scenario.

"You mean... your [Manifest] is the most powerful of any other [Manifest] in recorded history?"

Both of us outworlders looked at Shizu with utter shock, more so on Guidance\'s case as she actually stopped typing on her keyboard. The look on the dev\'s face was one of complete anxiety, her fingers already shaking as she tried to compose herself.

"W-wait... that\'s not necessarily true..."

"We have to report to the Imperial Palace!" the princess urged, already grabbing Guidance\'s hand as she continued. "With your help, we can end the war before it can get really bad!"


AN: Kindly vote so that I can get back to 2 chaps per day ^^

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