Gate of God

Chapter 433: Fang Zhengzhi coming to save the day

A wrinkled face could be seen under the black cloak. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

The sun lit the sky up a calming red color. When it shone on this face, it gave it an inexplicable glow.


Arguably one of the most beautiful times of the day.

Sunset also represented the last portion of a person’s journey, the time before the curtain falls.


It was a strange name, and a name that had bad connotations. Savagery, death, hurt, incompleteness, viciousness, ferocity...

There were many meanings, and most of them were unflattering.

Can was not his surname.

Canyang was his name.

He had been given this name since he was born. Canyang rarely told his surname to others, so few knew his surname.

Of course, few bothered to ask why his name was Canyang.

The answer was much too obvious.

The sun began to set below the horizon and the sky began to darken ever so slightly. The red light continued to cause his face to glow.

At the same time, they illuminated his eyes.

His eyes embodied the meaning of his name - a lack of hope and light.

He was a demon who had never seen light since birth. He had been abandoned and mocked for his lack of abilities.

Unlike most abandoned demons...

Canyang never blamed the world for being unfair. He never had his eyes set on revenge. He took it all in his stride.

After being abandoned, he learnt to be independent. He learnt to ignore the mockery. He just led his own simple life.

Day after day, year after year.

Eventually, everyone forgot Canyang’s surname.

Those who knew Canyang’s surname had passed away. They didn’t pass away by his hand, but died of natural causes.

No one knew how old Canyang was, but it was certain that he was almost as old as the history of the demons.

He was like an ancient tree.

He was there for the glory days of the demons, and he survived through the worst.

All these while, Canyang never joined the military and never contributed to the demon’s development. All he did was wake up to watch the sunrise and watch the stars before he slept.

Some may find this life boring.

However, Canyang had no intention to change. In fact, he had firmly believed that this was the way life should be.

All that changed one day...

That was the day a five-year-old girl appeared in front of him.

That was the day that this girl told Canyang that she was the daughter of the Demon Lord but she had been exiled to this land.

Canyang smiled but never said anything after hearing her story.

The girl did not ask for anything either. Before she left, she passed him a set of books. There were more than 100 books, each one containing a powerful set of demon techniques.

Can Yang could still remember what the girl had said to him.

"Uncle, these are for you to read!"


How was he going to read when he couldn’t see?

Canyang did not answer her and did not ask her why she left the books to a blind man. He simply placed them in a corner.

A year later...

The name of the young girl surfaced once again.

That year, there were more than 1000 demons following her. She had also built the village into an orderly society.

Canyang smiled when he heard this.

He went back to his room and picked up the books in the corner. He recalled what the girl had said to him when she left.

"Uncle, these are for you to read!"


How was a blind man going to read?

Canyang chuckled to himself, but he felt no regret.

He was numb to it all. He had been able to see through many things others couldn’t. He knew how ruthless the world was, and he also knew what warmth was.

"Young lady... you’re still young and naive..." Canyang had no idea why he flipped open the books in his hand.

Maybe he really wanted to ’read’, or maybe he wanted to confirm the girl’s ’naivety’.


When he opened the book in his hand...

His smile froze.

He could tell from his keen sense of touch that these books were different. These were books that he could ’read’ using a sense of touch. Every word, every picture... was so clear.

Canyang kept feeling the books, understanding everything that was written inside. Then, he picked up the second book, then a third...

He only stopped after he ’read’ every single book.


Canyang did something that no demon ever thought of. He walked out of his house and went to the little girl’s house.

There were more than 1000 demons there.

"Will you be willing to be my disciple?" Canyang’s voice reverberated throughout the girl’s residence. It was soft and calm, almost like water.

This elicited much laughter from the demons around him.

All of the demons could not believe what they had just heard. This skinny, disable demon wanted to be the girl’s master?

"Canyang, do you know who is in front of you?"

"Canyang, are you crazy?!"


Countless voices berated him constantly, but Canyang just stood quietly in front of the girl, ’looking’ at her.

He continued staring at her until she fell to her knees and kowtowed to him.


Canyang could still remember her beautiful voice. Her voice was the best thing he had heard

Four years later...

The girl returned to the Blood Shadow City.

There was a demon behind the girl. He was a blind demon, named Canyang, a name which sent fear into the hearts of demons and humans alike.

He had no surname.

He only had a name, Canyang!

"The sun is setting?" Canyang raised his head, his wrinkled face facing the red sky.

No one understood why Canyang would raise his head when he was blind, but similarly, few understood how to wield the Heavenly Rebirth Dao

Even if that person was...

Fang Zhengzhi!


There was a shadow overhead that passed over the battlefield. It was small and easily missed in the heat of battle.

The figure shot through the clouds, almost like a lady jumping out of a golden lake.

This attracted the attention of many.

Few would look away...


The lady was actually a young man in a blue long-sleeved shirt.

Did Fang Zhengzhi know how to fly?

He wanted to, but he was limited by his abilities. As such, his only option was to hijack a Heavenly Reflection State winged beast.

One did not need to know how Fang Zhengzhi managed to hijack the beast and make the beast carry him around.

Fang Zhengzhi was rather confused.

He did not understand why a blind man would ’look’ at the sunset. He couldn’t see!

Of course, this was not an important question.

The more important question to answer was...

Is Yun Qingwu crazy?!

All this while, Fang Zhengzhi had respected Yun Qingwu for her intellect despite them being on opposite sides.

The control she had over the battle at the Icy Monkey Settlement and the current siege were testament to her intellect.

Even though he had always thought that Yun Qingwu was not nearly as smart as him.

But now...

He was utterly disappointed.

Most people learnt from their mistakes.

She should not be making the same mistake twice.

Fang Zhengzhi felt that even the smartest people had to be constantly learning from their failures.

If someone made the same mistake over and over again...

Then the person really was just being stupid...

Fang Zhengzhi had wondered if he could catch Yun Qingwu once again...

For example, when the demons were on the verge of victory, he would swoop down and grab Yun Qingwu. He would shout, "If you want her to stay alive, go back to the Blood Shadow City!"

It would be such a show of force.

Fang Zhengzhi reminisced about the battle at the valley.

It was a pity that he had fainted during that battle. That being said, he had been fed snippets of information about it.

For one, he knew that the wound in his chest was inflicted by Yun Qingwu. And he also found out that it was Yun Qingwu who had kicked him off the cliff.

It was a painful experience.

He learnt the hard way not to show mercy...

If he could do it all over again, Fang Zhengzhi would not be that nice to Yun Qingwu. He would definitely teach her a lesson.


Some things would never happen again.

For example, Yun Qingwu should be smart enough not to make the same mistake. That would mean that it would be impossible to grab her a second time.

That was what Fang Zhengzhi had thought.

But, this thought was rapidly changing.

He could see clearly that there was no one near Yun Qingwu. She didn’t have a bodyguard!!

Of course, there was one...

But, he was a blind and haggard looking demon!

Fang Zhengzhi was not one to underestimate his opponents, but this time was different.

He was confident that he could capture Yun Qingwu.

Up till now, Yun Qingwu had not realized that there were a beast and a person hovering above her.

Fang Zhengzhi felt that this was the perfect opportunity.

He had arrived at just the right time.

He would leave the difficult battles to the others. All he wanted to do was swoop in and save the day.

Of course...

That was what he thought.

There were many factors that went into deciding the result of a battle.

Time was one such factor. With the situation as it was, this was the best opportunity! The second factor was location. He had the high ground and was in an advantageous position. And then there were the people around.

Her bodyguard was blind!

As a Supernatural State cultivator, he did not fear a wrinkled and blind demon!

If he passed up this opportunity to strike...

He would have come all this way for nothing.

Fang Zhengzhi jumped confidently, beaming radiantly as he did so. He felt as though he was in control.

Furthermore, Xing Yuanguo, Nangong Hao, Xing Qingsui, Shan Ling... were all fighting for their lives.

He was the only one who could save them all!

Fang Zhengzhi would never go hunting for opportunities to save the world, but if an opportunity was presented to him, he would definitely take it.

"Don’t move, lay down your weapons!" A voice pierced through the air as a figure shot down from the sky, his hand passing right through the blue light above Yun Qingwu!

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