Returning From The Magic World

Chapter 342 Morning!

Arthur spent the night in the mansion, cuddled by Jenny and Aurora as he slept.

Although at first it was only Aurora who played with him, Jenny couldn\'t keep quiet by just watching. She joins in too, turning two into three.

All in all, Arthur became so exhausted that his sleep became very deep.

He only woke up when the sun was already lighting up the sky.

The figures of Jenny and Aurora were no longer beside him, obviously they woke up early and didn\'t want to disturb him.

Arthur looked at his own body full of kiss marks, shaking his head as he walked to the bathroom.

He hoped he didn\'t meet any more girls like them because things were a bit too troublesome.

A girl like Yukiko was actually much nicer even though she had a less than stellar nature at the beginning of their meeting.

Arthur took a long shower as he still needed to calm himself down.

Once he was done, he returned to the bed with a towel wrapped around his body and sat there.

He had sent a message to Jenny to come and bring him new clothes.

The girl made him wait for quite a while, which meant she probably didn\'t have it so had to buy it first.

Half an hour after he finished bathing, only then did the girl come, just by herself.

Today, she was dressed more modestly, wearing long jeans and a very fashionable after.

She came with a large suitcase that was especially full.

Arriving in front of Arthur, she opened the suitcase, revealing its contents which were full of various luxurious clothes. Even in their folded state, their luxury could be felt very clearly.

Arthur who only asked her for a package of clothes couldn\'t help but shake his head, thinking that it was indeed wasteful to ask women to buy clothes.

"I\'ll just take one," Arthur said.

Jenny just laughed in response.

"It\'s so you can choose the one you like," she replied.

"But don\'t worry, I didn\'t waste a cent, everything was taken from my dad\'s clothing store."

Hearing that, Arthur remembered the fact that this woman was the daughter of a famous fashion entrepreneur.

In terms of sharing clothes, she could easily surpass Amanda.

He chose not to say anything else, picking up the pants and shirt that displayed an aura of calmness.


Nicolas, Jenny\'s father didn\'t come home so Arthur had breakfast only with Jenny and Aurora.

According to Jenny, her father was a man who was rarely at home, more often staying at hotels and similar places. Of course, he is always accompanied by beautiful women from all walks of life, whether they are models or celebrities.

As for Jenny\'s mother, she died of an illness a long time ago.

On the other hand, Aurora\'s family lived in America, but the latter didn\'t like it there so she chose to live with Jenny.

Without their wealth, Jenny\'s family could actually be considered a small family, having very few members.

Right after Arthur and the other two finished breakfast, Yukiko who left yesterday suddenly returned.

She sent a message to Arthur, saying that she was waiting for him outside.

Sure enough, when he came out of the mansion, Arthur immediately found her.

Today she wore a formal outfit with her hair in a neat bun, looking elegant and charismatic.

Although she was wearing a mask, she still made a very deep impression.

At this point, Jenny couldn\'t help but feel increasingly threatened.

As for Aurora, she knitted her brows in surprise, not sure who this woman was.

Of course, she didn\'t know that the princess who was kidnapped yesterday was almost always with Arthur.

Yukiko soon approached Arthur and the others, looking slow, but she somehow arrived quite quickly.

"Come with me, my sister will see you," she told Arthur as she arrived in front of him, not mincing words at all.

When Jenny was about to say something in response, she suddenly added while looking at the woman, "You can\'t come!"

"Why can\'t I come?" Jenny was instantly annoyed by her words.

Aside from wanting to follow Arthur, she also wanted to see the First Princess in person because the woman seemed very interesting, had an extraordinary identity, unique beauty, and an amazing nature.

Jenny had only seen her a few times on the internet, but that was enough to make her curious about her.

"See who you are, wait until you at least have a decent grade," Yukiko replied, not hiding the reason why she shouldn\'t come.

Of course, her words made Jenny\'s face red while her breathing quickened.

This was an insult she had never received. As long as she lived, there had never been a case where her status was deemed unworthy.

Arthur grabbed her hand before she could say more.

"Wait here and start practicing, when you succeed, your value will not be measured by anyone else," he told her.

Probably because she was getting more and more obedient to Arthur, so she calmed down very quickly.

In the end, she actually nodded to him.

As for Aurora, she was just silent and observed by staring back and forth between Arthur, Yukiko, and Jenny.

"Bring your car here first," Arthur said to Yukiko.

He wanted to transfer Owen to the woman\'s car. He needed to be brought because he might be able to interrogate him along with the first princess.

Yukiko nodded and went back to her car and then drove the car near Jenny\'s car.

Arthur, Jenny, and Aurora had already gone to the car. The first one opened the trunk, revealing the figure of Owen whose mouth was closed.

However, the man\'s eyes were still open.

He looked deathly pale, as if he was not far from death.

Of course, being locked up like that for one night was enough to make him almost die.

He had no food and lacked oxygen, hardly different from being in a grave.

Looking at Arthur again, his eyes trembled uncontrollably.

He was finally afraid of this young man.

Aurora was not surprised when she saw Owen because last night Arthur and Jenny had talked about him, even knowing that he was the mastermind of the terrorist attack.

Arthur didn\'t say anything to Owen, he grabbed the roots wrapped around his body before leading him to Yukiko\'s car.

The latter had already opened the trunk of her car.

Arriving in front of the trunk, Arthur placed Owen\'s body there, making the man\'s eyes flutter uncontrollably with fear.

He thought everything was done, he would be brought out into the open. Even if he was interrogated later, at least he could breathe comfortably.

Unfortunately, he was taken to another trunk which was actually much more cramped due to the smaller car.

At this point, he could only give Arthur a pleading look.

However, the latter did not even look at his face.

After placing his body on the trunk, he closed the trunk with a bang.

"Let\'s go," he said to Yukiko.

The second princess nodded before walking to the driver\'s door and getting into it while Arthur got into the passenger door. He waved his hand to Jenny and Aurora before getting in.

Soon after that the car was moving, entering the street and going to one of the areas in the city center.

Paris was very crowded today despite yesterday\'s terrorist attack. Arthur saw quite a few cars with police and military escorts. They were obviously officials from other countries who had come to attend the arms fair.

This was indeed an event no less than Paris Fashion Week, just a different type of visitor.

However, in terms of transactions, an arms fair can be much higher, especially now that there are several wars going on.

Even Japan these days seems to be looking to strengthen their armed forces.

Before long, the car arrived at a seven-story hotel that was completely guarded by Japanese, not a single European in sight.

They were also armed, though only with small handguns.

However, what was interesting for Arthur was that he found quite a few spiritual beings among them.

And they were different from the ninjas who followed Yukiko.

Most of them had strong-looking bodies, some of them were really big.

Overall, they were very strong. Arthur doubted if Hunter and the others could beat them.

This didn\'t mean the mercenaries were bad, but the problem was that they had just become Knights.

"They are samurai, an army led directly by my sister," Yukiko said, looking proud.

"Each one of them is so dedicated, they even chose not to have a family so that they would have no burden at all if they had to sacrifice their lives for the empire. I\'m afraid there are no European soldiers like them."

As she said the last words, she seemed dismissive.

Of course, that was already a fact.

Arthur didn\'t try to argue and he didn\'t care either.

When Yukiko\'s car came, the soldiers immediately directed the way for her. They also gave her a special salute.

Yukiko stopped her car in front of the building\'s door, after removing the seat belt, she opened the door beside her.

"My sister is on the top floor, she can\'t come down because it\'s too conspicuous," she told Arthur, explaining that the first princess couldn\'t come down directly to greet her.

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