Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 48 - Dryad(2):Asur Summoner(8)

In the dark silence-filled forest, Adam was standing before one of the legendary folk-taled creatures, Dryad.

Mustering his courage, he spoke "What are you"

She takes no further step away from the tree but lets her gaze wash over him. The woman takes a long, deep breath as she replies with a single word.


Adam dare not believe it.

A dryad was said to be one of the fey kind, guardians created and bound by nature. If this woman is truly a dryad, she would have to be ancient, as old as the tree from which she appeared, maybe even as old as the First wood itself.

\'It may even be higher than LvL 100\'

If there has been a dryad living within the forest this whole time then it would explain the tree\'s incredible magical properties.

She makes no move to approach. Instead, she only continues to regard adam, her face a mask of anger, her body shaking with rage, wind quickens and the trees rustle as the dryad bristles and turn the full force of her gaze to Ariana.

Though her words remain a whisper, he feels almost deafened.


You…come…to…my…tree…with…fire…and …iron…and…you…build…your…home …from…our…pain.



The pain is clear in every part of the dryad\'s being; her slender fingers as sharp as thorns flex and tense, her mane of wild hair swells and coils, her words drip with a venom that burns his ears.

Ariana is standing as far back from her as she can but is unable to look away, transfixed by the creature before her.

Ju-Ju appears before him and leaping forward to attack but was only sent flying a few meters, it can\'t even get up.

Only adam dares to speak with this lady of the forest. She is threatening him but Adam can see that she is also hesitating.

\'I have to learn its back story first. Only then will I know what to do."

Hoping that he could find something adam asks, "What happened to you?"

The dryad draws in her breath like the wind across a glacier.

"Humans see only the worth of what they take and hear only the words that wish them well.


"I never heard anything," adam stammers.

He knows what to do in this type of situation, \'I have to drag this conversation as long as I can," if he can solve this problem just by speaking, it will greatly benefit him.

But the Dryad simply ignores him and simply adds,

"But you hear me now."The dryad pauses but with no change to her expression, it is impossible to tell why. When she answers it is with a single word.

"So, what do you want?"


\'Tch, and here I thought it can be tackle without violence\'

Her answer was full of the force of her intent that it almost knocks adam from his feet. The leaves rustle and the dryad replies,



It looks like there is to be no further discussion. The dryad will not listen to reason. It has killed innocent people and it will keep killing.

Ju-Ju is the first to respond to adam\'s movements.

Seeing adam readying his stance, he charges forward to keep the dryad off balance but she does not even look at Ju-Ju.

She holds out a hand in his direction and the enormous snake monster drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes, snoring loudly.

The dryad has sent him to sleep.

\'I hope that she can\'t pull that trick more than once. I have to watch out for her magic.\'

Adam makes ready to attack but his foe remains still keeping her attention focused on his body.

He starts to feel an odd sensation creeping into his body, it was like if some is staring at him naked.

He feels warm, blissfully warm as if he is being held in the embrace of his deceased mother and father.

His whole body relaxes and goes out of his control, when the dryad speaks again, it is as though she were merely an echo from far away.

"Kill the girl behind you, If not,"

He turns around and swirls his spear, adam almost started to attack her, when a slaps land\'s on his face.

"Wake up Adam!!"

"Shit, What the shit was that"

\'Tch, I never thought of encountering illusion magic this early"

He charges forward with an impressive speed and catches the dryad across the arm as she jumps back into the bark of her tree. It\'s a glancing blow but it was still a hit.

Adam hears the snap of a bow from above and an arrow comes flying down towards his head. He dives out of the way, feeling the shaft whistled past his ears.

Looking up, adam can see the torso of the dryad protruding like a branch from the bough of the tree about fifteen feet above his head.

The thumb and little finger of her left hand have extended out into the shape of a longbow and her arrows grow straight from her wrist. She draws out another and points her arm bow in his direction.

\'I need to find a way to bring her down or there\'s going to be no way, I can win this fifteen-feet fight\'

As adam said in his heart, he castes Ice spears, which shoot up towards her in an instant.

The dryad is fast and emerges back into the tree, reappearing at ground level and making a run for Arian who standing behind him without any protection.

Adam just now used his \'Fly\' to climb on the tree so, he is now fifteen feet up in the tree; a tree that doesn\'t want him in it.

With a thump a branch swings around and knocks him towards the ground with a crash, you hit the grass, thankfully cushioned by it but still feeling worse for the experience.

\'Ariana is in no position to defend herself, I gotta do something\'

Adam rushes silently over the grass, avoiding leaving even a footprint until he is behind the dryad.

In one swift movement, adam steps forward and delivers a crippling blow to her abdomen. The attack causes him to reappear as she staggers forwards, losing her footing.

The dryad\'s wooden body breaks into two as she falls on the ground.

"Please." she howls, holding up her hands in defeat. "I…have…nothing…left.


In the grass, adam sees where she has dropped her wooden dagger and adam picks it up. The blade is sharp and powerful.

[Wooden dragger]

He stands over an ancient being, one who is responsible for so much death. \'Though it is a game, it will soon be a reality, if only I had a way to make her join my side\'

\'But, there will be definitely going to be some way, I have to something out of the box

Even though he never heard of dryad joining any major player\'s guild-like other race\'s he knows there is some trigger for that to happen.

He raises the blade into the air and slams it down into the ground. It slides into the earth to the hilt and the dryad looks at it and then back to you.

"You…would…spare…my…life?" she whispers. "Why?" The dryad says nothing for a long time until in her breathy voice she asks,

"I…have…been…wrong …but…I…have…also…been…wronged."


Then the dryad walks over to you.

The grass at her feet now grows and blooms wherever she treads and she repeats her gesture, touching his face and sending a glowing warmth through his entire body.

He feels as though some part of his body has been unlocked and meeting the dryad\'s infinite and green eyes adam sees his own reflected back, familiar and somehow changed.

Her wooden body dismisses and a human body appears surrounding with a golden aura,

"You are a great warrior, I Daisi, the one and only dryad and my worshippers the wood elves will follow you" as she finished her words a token which was made up of tree appeared in his hands.

"Please contact me through this when you are in trouble or when you create your own kingdom"

"We will be there for you"

Her body dissipates in the air in the form of golden form. 2 golden medals drop before him as the system prompts before adam\'s eyes.

[You have completed the Hidden Choice]

[Spare the Evil Dryad]

[Received Dryad\'s Blessings]

[Recivied skill: Dryad Healing]

[Recieved the token of dryad]

[It can be used after joining a guild or creating a guild]



[Forest Healing Spirit

Grade: Epic

The spell calls forth a transparent spirit to occupy a five-foot cube within 60 feet. The caster and his companions will be healed within this range.

It Heals 1250 HP per second, lasts for 30 seconds.

CD:240 min Mana:600]


- a spirit that lives in the forest. Guardian of forest and woods.. Worshipped by the wood elves as their goddess.]

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