Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 127 - Invaders (2)

Demonic Bison leader moved it\'s heavy body and extended his body very slowly, Adam could clearly see his moments. 

However, at that moment his legs started to move, the club appeared few cms before his face. 

"Fluid barrier..." 


The heavy blow was blocked by the fluid barrier and the bisons club rebound leaving ripples on his shield. 

But, as soon as it received the impact the fluid barrier shattered and the impact made Adam to move few steps back. 

"Ice Golems" 

His army of ice warriors instantly formed around the demonic bison leader. 


He yelled in a disgusting tone and his club heavily landed on one of the ice golems. 

The ice quickly moved it\'s crystal like hands and got hold of the club, it\'s grip was strong. 

When the demonic bison tried to pull his club back he couldn\'t, other ice golems didn\'t stood ideal either. 

They rushed towards their master\'s enemy and started ti attack the demonic bison leader. 

One if the ice golems punched the leg another one aimed fir the abdomen like these tye ice golems started to attack the cow mercilessly. 

A irritated face was shown by the demonic bison and roared angrily. 

"Blood Burning ritual"

As soon as he activated this skill his whole body started to transform. 

The steel armor sticking to his muscles turned into a proufound black leather armour. 

The ugly and wired looking club also changed into a strong and cool looking War-hammer.

 The hammer presents a black color, giving people a heavy feeling, but also has a strong deterrent effect.

\'I have seen that before...\' 

His memory quickly recognized the hammer. 

\'Isn\'t it the hammer used by the leader of Akargath survivor city.\' 

A thick black smoke started to emit out of it\'s body, \'shit! This is dangerous!\' 

[You have been exposed to Chaos Black Smoke]

[Your MP and HP has decreased by 30%] 

Adam\'s face become frustrated facing the negative notifications from the systems. 

He poured a bottle of blue potion into his mouth to slightly restore the magic value that had bottomed out.

"Star Strike" 

A magnificent view appeared in the sky, but this time it was not two blue stars, there was one more which shone more brightly than others. 

[-200 Mana] 

[Stark strike »»» promoted to legendary grade] 

Adam leap from the ground, the Bison raised it\'s War hammer to smash him luke a insect. 

However, at that moment Adam become invisible, the demonic bison become dumbfounded. 

After a moment, blood erupted out of it\'s abdomen and it\'s intestines slid down. 


The bison roared in pain but, Adam\'s attack didn\'t stop there he swifty moved in his invisible form and cut down the hand which held the Warhammer. 

Blood drenched all over him, revealing Adam body. 

The bison\'s arm fell on the ground, without giving a rest Adam again leapt from the ground and Abyss Angel elegantly cut through the bison\'s head. 

The hideous head with two horns rolled on the ground, Adam stared at the lifeless corpse with solemn expression. 

He slowly walked towards the bloody arm and tried to cut the wrist which was holding the magnificent weapon. 


But, his spear wasn\'t able to cut through the thick muscles. 

\'Ha, expected, if it wasn\'t for the star strike...I could have never slayed this demonic bison.\' 

When he arrived outside the battle jad already ended, fortunately there were oy less number of casualties on his sides. 

Once, beautiful and strong building looked like a ruined old mansion. 

Several walls had already been broken and the university were ready crumble at any time. 

"Let\'s depart after resting for few hours!" 


After this battle his army looked strong than ever, satisfied with his achievements, Adam went into one of the camp to rest. 


You wake.

It\'s a struggle to breathe; a weight lies atop you, crushing you. Something sharp digs into your ribs. 

Pain pulses behind your eyes. There\'s the salt tang of blood on your lips.

You force your eyes open. Pale light stabs at you. 


 It glints off the rings of the mail shirt worn by the dead body you lie on. 

There\'s a face next to yours, bloodless, mouth slack. Its helm is split in two.

The weight above you is another corpse. You heave at it with rising panic and it rolls aside like a sack of grain and now you can breathe.

Someone laughs, a guttural bark, and a figure looms over you. 

Long pale hair, tattered furs and leather and the gleam of tattooed flesh. Adam! 

Yes, the person who is I front of you is Adam! 

The enemy is upon you. You have no weapon. What do you do?

\'I.. attack my enemy barehanded—there\'s no time for anything else.\' 

You throw yourself forward and grapple Adam, seizing the descending arm, stopping the knife in its tracks.

The two of you are locked together, your sinews screaming, your head pounding. 

Inch by inch you force the blade further away and up; you can feel hot breath on your skin.

Then you jab out with your elbow—it catches high up in the gut, driving air from lungs. 

Adam folds double, gasping. You punch to the throat. There\'s a choked, strangling cough and your attacker collapses.

You stand for a moment, swaying, and then fall to your knees, points of light dancing in your vision, trying not to retch.

"Adam!" A shout, a single voice, strong and sure, from somewhere just ahead of you.

 The name of yours in a voice you recognize.

You crawl forward, blinking, your vision still blurry, and then you see the one. 

It was female she was running towards the man you just fought. 

The beautiful girl tooks the body of the collapsed Adam, and shouts something which you can\'t hear. 



Beside her crawls a giant snake and many other beasts! 

Suddenly, the unconscious man in her arms turns into a black beast... 

A ear shattering scream...


And a bang....

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