I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

120 119. Ignored Little Girl

The queen of the big kingdom like a Hastinapur came to the house of lowly Suta and asked him for the marriage of her daughter, The one and the only princess of the kingdom to marry Suta\'s son.

If someone said this stuff aloud, People might assume the speaker is an idiot or just high of Madhira (alcohol). Even the far-fetched fantasy would not reach this degree.

"Queen, I miss heard, Can you repeat it?"

It was Radha who spoke up first, She as an chief of personnel attended of Gandhari knows how much Queen loves her childrens, Especially Sushala as she being the only girl in the family gets showered by lots of love.

Which makes Radha feel more strange about why the queen wanted her son for her only daughter? She is a princess and he is just a boy from the Suta family who had the fortune to get a kingdom in others\' eyes.

Even if all the qualification issues are ignored, What about their Varna? The Varna system was strictly followed in this kingdom. How can the Queen of such a Kingdom offer her only daughter to a Shudra Varna (Servant Class).

So Radha thought she miss heard the words of her queen. Maybe the queen was talking about some other girl. It is her who, in the joy of knowing nothing happen to her child, felt this way.

"No Radha, You did not miss heard me, I am serious, You know I will never make a joke about this topic."

Gandhari knew this will happen hence why she not bring other people here including her own brother, She didn\'t even didn\'t said where they going to others other than their person royal guards.

For others, She and the king go on hunting trips, She even took the hunting crew with her to make it more genuine, She was that serious about this thing.

She also understands why this was so hard to believe, Anything else can be ignored but not Varna. That is the only thing that is hardest to solve here but there is still a solution she has in her mind.

They can just arrange Swayamvara for Sushala when Karma comes back from his study with Rishi Durvasa, In which let Sushala choose Karna as her husband, that solves all the issues of Varna.

It\'s simple, Karna comes back he will be officially king, And as allied king he will get the right to attend the Swayamvara, After that let just Sushala either ask some questions to people or do something to make it seem like she was really considering about it.

Then simply go to Karna and put a garland on his neck. No one can point at them as there is nothing wrong with a princess marrying a king, Most people will not dare to cause trouble.

And even if someone decided to mess around, There is always Mahamahim Bhishma, Royal teacher Kripacharya and of course as a student of Rishi Durvasa Karna.

She literally thought everything, Once it was revealed that Karna is a student of Rishi Durvasa, Even if those kings grow thousands of stomachs, They will not have the guts to do anything other than just sit and watch.

"No queen, This can\'t happen, This is like a duck trying to become a swan, My son is just a normal boy with nothing other than his looks, While your daughter is royal birth, The one who have everything, Why do you want your daughter to suffer by matching her with my son?"

This time Adiratha spoke up, He never once went against the decision of his lord but this time he has to put his step down, This can\'t happen at all.

Yeah Karna is divine birth, The goddess of purity Ganga confirmed that but that didn\'t change the fact Karna is their son, A son of Suta, Who other than looks does not have anything special about him.

There is no wealth of his own, There is no big family, There is also no support behind him, There is not even his own kingdom yet, Karna has nothing.

If that is the case, If and that is big If they decide to match Karna with Princess Sushala, Karna will become the target of all-around forces. Kings will hate him as they think they are worthy contenders for the princess.

The Brahman society is also going to reject Karna as he broke the norm and Vaishya one also stop trade with him or his kingdom, His son will be outcasted and will be shunned by the society.

But the worst is still be for the princess, She will become a laughingstock in higher society for marrying Suta. Her reputation will be ruined, For a woman that is worse than death punishment.

And that is even more the topic of laugh will be that the princess will be 2nd wife to Karna, As they already decided Vrushali to be his first wife.

So Adiratha decided to interfere, He can\'t put these two children in that situation. There is nothing to gain from this other than misery, So why bother with it?

"Normal? Adirath there are many words you can use to describe your child but normal will not be one of them, No normal person can do what he just did yesterday.

If you think he is normal then you might not have misunderstood the meaning of that word."

Dhritarashtra has to step in. He can feel the strong resistance of Adhiratha which is unlike him but he also understands why there was this resistance.

Doing this in theory Karna indeed becomes the target of pretty much the whole world, And will be hated and outcasted but that is in theory, why?

Because Karna now has Rishi Durvasa as his teacher, No one in their right mind will think of never being anything near an enemy of Karna, The reason is quite obvious, They don\'t want to get cursed.

He heard all about it from the Gandhari the event unfolded yesterday in the royal dining hall, Which only solidified his belief that Karna is best for his daughter and will be totally fine.

After all, Karna had reawakening just like his son and by the words of his wife it seems his revealing was way stronger than his own son, So if Karna before even being awakened can beat his son who got Vajra\'s body.

Then there is no saying what Karma can do now, And what he will do in future, So Dhritarashtra did Why was he missing out on this golden opportunity? His businessmen\'s mind was online.


not want to miss this opportunity at all.

"King you are right, Can you give us time to talk about it for a minute?"

It was Vaibhav who spoke this time, preventing Adiratha who was about to once again reject the offer of the King without giving second thought. He was with his family standing aside and was processing what was happening but this was getting weirder and weirder.

The family of Suta was trying to reject the marriage offer of the royal princess? At this moment Vaibhav felt like hitting his friend in the head and ask what he was thinking about?

Why was he missing out on this golden opportunity? His businessmen\'s mind was online.

All he could think about right now was how he can benefit Karna and his kingdom Anga. After this marriage not only Karna will have complete support of Hastinapur kingdom.

But Karna also didn\'t have to fear getting attacked right away by Magadha king Jarasand, The one who is always eyeing this part of Hastinapir but can\'t have it because of the royal army of Hastinapur.

If Adhiratha is rejected now then he is just leaving Karna defenceless against other invaders.

So he dragged Adhiratha away against his will and also asked Madu to bring his sister-in-law Radha with her in the kitchen to talk about this issue.

"Vaibhav, What are you doing? This offer we can\'t accept, We are not worthy of this grace."

Adhiratha did not like the rude behaviour of his friend in front of the King and Queen. Taking some away without getting permission from the King and Queen present is a very big crime.

In some extreme cases, the punishment can be a death penalty. It\'s a good thing that his king and queen were not tyrants to do that but still, this is too rude to do it.

"Are you crazy? Why are you doing this? As you said Karna is a normal child, What do you think will happen when this normal child gets crowned as a king to the kingdom which is surrounded by enemies?

How do you think he will defend against them? Just sit down for a second and think about it. If Karna is the Son-In-Law of Hastinapur then others will not attack him but without it it\'s hard to say if the kingdom will even last a week."

To calm down his angry friend, Vaibhav just became angrier than him and put some sense into his friend\'s mind. To let this rigid man understand that sometimes it\'s okay to change a little way of yours.

And it seems these words get to him as hearing that Adiratha who wanted to speak his point becomes quiet not knowing what he was thinking. Others were also thinking of the same point.

It\'s just that while here they are busy with the topic of now 2nd marriage of Karna, They ignored that there was a little girl with them who was currently throwing daggers at them with her eye.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)


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