The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]


ARRIVING at the audition set, Astrid was amazed by what he saw.  It was inside a cave.  The place didn\'t appear like a normal cave.  Because instead of rock formations, what he saw were crystal formations.  It\'s truly beautiful.  For a moment he just stood there and stared.

The scene he was going to audition was the moment when the band of heroes finally found the sleeping god and woke him up.  This set perfectly described the place the main cast found the sleeping god. 

They continued walking forward.  There were lights around, probably put up by the crew.  So, it was easy for them to walk.  The production assistant was the one leading them.  They stopped when they arrived at a lake.  There were three crew members already waiting for them.

Astrid looked at the lake.  Because of the crystal formations around and also the slightly dark lighting, the lake water looked dark blue.  At the center of it was a rectangular crystal slab with crystal roses surrounding it. 

He quickly recognized the crystal slab.  It was where the \'god\' was sleeping.  But really, this whole set was really beautiful.  It\'s like they were already ready to film the scene. 

"Have you prepared the cameras and the holographic device?" the director asked the three crew members there.

Astrid was curious as to why there\'s a need for a holographic device.  But somehow, he already had an idea on why.  If his guess was correct, then it made sense why he had to audition at exact set of the scene he was about to act.  It seemed that Director Trevane truly wanted him to pass this audition.

He couldn\'t disappoint him, now could he?

The crew members who had been staring at the black-haired teenager quickly took back their gazes.  One answered the director quickly, just in case the other scolded them for staring at the teenager too much.  That was certainly something Director Trevane would do.

"Yes, Director, everything is ready."

Daniel turned to the teenager.  "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Director," Astrid answered with no hesitation.

Daniel was very satisfied with Astrid\'s answer.  "Then let\'s start."  He nodded at one of the crew members.  That crew member pushed some kind of button on the wall and a bridge appeared that connected to the crystal slab.  "You can walk there now.  When I call \'action\', you can begin then." 

Astrid nodded.  He turned to Reas who had been silent this whole time.  He saw that his brother was rigid all over.  He could immediately tell that he was nervous for him.  He felt amused. 

So, he playfully punched Reas\' shoulder and grinned at him.  Silently telling him that he got this.

Then Astrid walked over the bridge.  When he reached the crystal slab, he got on it and laid down.  He closed his eyes and sunk himself into the role.


The moment the director shouted that, Astrid heard conversations.

"It\'s Lord Aether!  He\'s really here.  We finally found him!"

"All our hardship, it was not in vain."

"This is not the time to celebrate.  We should wake the lord first."

"Let\'s do it.  Let\'s wake the lord from his slumber."

Hearing these, Astrid immediately recognized them as the lines that were spoken by the main cast after they discovered the god – Aether\'s body in the cave. 

The voices he heard was kind of mechanical and lacked emotions.  Just like one of those narrators in an audio-book.  That\'s why he knew that these voices did not come from the actors and actresses who were supposed to be part of this scene.

These voices must come from the holographic device.  The director probably wanted him to be more immersed in the scene, so he brought him to this set and even put-up hologram characters to interact with him. 

He wasn\'t sure if this was just how auditions were in this era.  But, frankly speaking, he\'d rather prefer the old school way.  At least he wouldn\'t be distracted by these mechanical voices. 

But he\'s a professional.  He could ignore the disturbing voices of these holograms.

So, when he heard the last line, he knew that the next scene would be him opening his eyes.  He counted the seconds and when he knew it was time, he slowly opened his eyes.

Daniel, who was watching everything on the virtual screen that was connected to small cameras floating around, was thoroughly surprised when saw the emotions that flashed in those pair of black eyes the moment they opened. 

At first, they were filled with pure innocence, like a newborn baby.  Then, as if realizing where he was and what kind of situation he was in, those eyes were slowly filled with bitter sadness.  He could even see the underlying anger and helplessness.

This was something beyond the capabilities of a newcomer.  Acting with only a pair of eyes, that was something even some veteran actors and actresses couldn\'t do.

He couldn\'t help but stared at the screen with more focus.  He wanted to see more of this boy\'s acting.

Astrid slowly sat up and looked around him.  Sure enough, he saw four holograms standing around the lake.  They didn\'t have any facial features.  Just blank canvases that talked which was pretty creepy.  If not for his self-control, he might have already lost focus. 

None of that showed on his face.  Instead, he gave off this kind of holy indifference.  Even though he was just sitting there, it felt like he was standing at the highest peak while looking down at mere mortals.  Anyone who was looking at him right now couldn\'t help but want to kneel down on their knees and worship him. 

"Lord Aether!" one of the holograms shouted.  "Please, help us save the continent!"

"And so, you woke me up from my slumber," Astrid said with no emotion, not really addressing anyone.

He slowly glanced towards the one who spoke.  He still appeared apathetic.  But when his gaze landed on the hologram, he suddenly smiled.  Smiling as if he was looking at a child who didn\'t know anything. 

"But my child, I couldn\'t do anything to save this continent."  He then looked at each and every hologram.  And then he raised his head, as if waiting for something, or rather someone, to come.  "Yes, only you can do this."

"And cut!"

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