Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 554: Talen

554 Talen

Alex observed them for a minute as another person fell to the ground, receiving the reward too. This time, the person was coming from the Blue West Clan, piquing Alex\'s curiosity.

The rest of the people mostly came from big influences. Only a certain couple from the city lord families and two other unknown people were still advancing. Although they were struggling at the moment, they would still pass the 800th mark, or that was what Alex thought after looking at their condition.

He then turned around, facing the trio. "It seems we need to get a bit serious after here. From what I feel, I would need to release most of my Spiritual Energy before gradually releasing more and more."

"How about you Stina?" asked Alex worriedly. According to the information, age was also one of the most important factors calculated in this trial, so he was a bit concerned about Stina, who was a few thousand years old. Sherry and Kyle had no problem with this as they were even younger than Alex.

Stina Smiled gently. "I am fine. Although the pressure is starting a bit rough to me, I can still manage it just fine. I feel like with my element and Spiritual Energy, I can at least go for the last hundred marks."

"Is that so? Don\'t push yourself too hard." Alex nodded.

"Yes, Master." Stina nodded. Besides her, Kyle looked at her with a worried expression but didn\'t tell her anything after Alex\'s words.

He nodded and turned around before starting to walk again.

The moment he stepped on the net plan, the heaviness of the pressure increased abruptly, forcing him to release all of his Spiritual Energy immediately. He did it out of reflex, and after getting accustomed to the pressure, Alex adjusted his Spiritual Energy a little to conserve his stamina.

Following Alex, the trio also released their Spiritual Energy as the pressure jolted their mind upon stepping on the next plan.

It was like someone punched them right on the stomach. Alex quickly turned around and checked them. "Are you guys alright?"

"Yes. It just stung us earlier, but we are fine now." Sherry nodded with a smile while Kyle nodded in agreement.

On the other hand, Stina frowned, feeling a far heavier blow than both of them. Just like Alex, she received a powerful blow, making her heart skip a beat.

"I am fine, Master. I shouldn\'t underestimate this trial any longer." Stina took a deep breath before ensuring everyone.

"Are you alright?" Kyle looked at her with worries. He didn\'t know why, but pain instantly engulfed his heart as he couldn\'t stand her from being hurt like this. Unconsciously, the feeling of the past began creeping inside his heart. He instinctively grabbed her hand and said, "I will advance to the next plank first so that you can be prepared."

Alex and Sherry looked away as he dragged Sherry to go to the next plank. Meanwhile, Stina\'s heart was in euphoria. This was the first time that Kyle was like this. Usually, Kyle only stayed composed and friendly to her, but not caring.

Stina was making a big smile behind her mask. The memory of previous Kyle flashed on her mind, especially the time when he blasted all the dangers and opened a way for her just to make her safe. Luckily, Kyle couldn\'t see behind the mask or else he might take back his words. "It\'s fine. I am ready for anything as soon as I follow you."

Kyle didn\'t know what to say anymore as he turned around to ask for Alex\'s help. Unfortunately, Alex was already on two planks ahead with Sherry.

Stina kept smiling as Kyle was becoming more and more like the previous him. Just like Alex, who retained a portion of personality despite having no memory, Kyle also had his instinct and awkwardness.

Alex slowed down his pace after a few planks to let Kyle and Stina catch up. Kyle could only look away while walking forward.

Alex and Sherry only smiled while ignoring both of them.

Like the group ahead, Alex started feeling more and more pressure on him, hindering him from moving forward. After threading fifty planks, Alex took a deep breath and released more of his Spiritual Energy.

The top people from other influences only released their full Spiritual Energy at the moment while all their followers were already using their elements. It was when they finally crossed the 800th mark and stepped on the 801st plank, all people started using their elements.

Alex was thirty planks away from them, so he could already see what kind of trouble they were facing.

It had three waves instead of two, making it even harder. The additional wave of energy was striking at their brain to exhaust their mental energy.

Despite seeing their condition, Alex continued at his own pace while checking on Stina\'s complexion, afraid of burning her out with their fast pace. Luckily, a 10-Star Martial Emperor was not that weak, and Stina could follow them just fine. Her energy was also stable from his Spirit Eyes, so Alex only nodded while monitoring her.

Step by step, plank by plank, Alex finally reached the 800th mark. He almost released all of his Spiritual Energy constantly to protect himself. It only chipped away fifteen percent of his energy up to this point, but after this point, he would surely become crazy.

"Stina, we are going to stop for a while since this is going to attack your Body and Mental Energy."

"Yes." Stina nodded solemnly.

Sherry and Kyle were still fine as their condition was similar to him. They might even come with him to the ending of this trial unless they really needed the Dragon Strengthening Technique and Fire God Scepter.

On the other hand,?Alex noticed that the Dragon Strengthening Technique almost awakened the second stage. At this rate, he would surely open the second stage at the 900th mark.

He pondered for a moment as he looked at Ruben and the others before turning back to Song Yu and Song Jia.

Ruben and Lucia still had two teammates, while Grimes also had two teammates. The other first-rate influences had one main heir and one teammate. Blackwade Clan still had Song Yu and Song Jia together with four teammates as they were still a bit far behind.

What made him surprised was the fact the couple from city lord families managed to walk this far. They were walking hand in hand as they continued on their path. Despite having injured all over because of the constant pressure, they leaned on each other, so even if they didn\'t walk forward, with constant pushing from each other, they would still be able to walk forward.

Alex didn\'t know whether this was a trick or not since they needed a couple of the same talent and cultivation to do something like this.

He shook his head as this couple already had their influence. Besides, they were going to fall before reaching the 900th mark after looking at their condition with Spirit Eyes.

Sherry furrowed her eyebrows but didn\'t ask any question. At first, they had the difference of two to three hundred planks, but they had caught up on them with only around forty planks distance.

Sherry felt she would pass them after entering the 900th mark.

Outside the barrier,

All people from first-rate influences sucked a cold breath the moment they saw Alex had yet to release his element after passing the 800th mark. It would seem that his talent was far higher than the other heirs on the continents, as all of them immediately used their elements after stepping on the 801st plank.

Song Qiang furrowed his eyebrows and looked at this little monster. This group was really unusual, making him rethink his decision.

As he was observing Alex\'s group, his granddaughter also reached the 800th mark and entered at a harder territory. Unfortunately, Song Yu and Song Jia were also forced to use their elements.

Even so, Song Qiang\'s eyes were locked on Alex and his teammates. After around twenty minutes, Alex reached 820th plank without a speck of his element. Only at 825th a fire suddenly appeared in their group.

It was coming from none other than Stina. After enduring for so long, she couldn\'t stand the pressure anymore and released her fire to lift a portion of the burden. Looking at this, he was convinced that the first one who would go down was Stina.

"Father…" Song Lei looked at his father with worries. The other influences were tongue-tied after watching this ridiculous group as they slowly looked up and narrowed their eyes upon the sight of the Spirit Nest.

They were wondering whether to attack them while they were here or not. If they made an alliance in this place and attacked them before the four came out, they had a high probability of success.

Song Qiang shook his head with a serious expression. "Don\'t think about it. Whatever they want to do with the Spirit Nest, we won\'t participate. We will see what kind of trouble they would get, and if possible, we will help them."

"Father, are you sure? All first-rate influences might attack them and if we help them…" Song Lei didn\'t continue after sensing a killing intent from his father.

"I have made this mistake in the past, resulting in me being exiled to this place from the main clan. I am teaching you that potential that could bloom is far more terrifying than the reputation. I won\'t go into detail, but just mark my words somewhere in your mind, we might need to help them out with our people outside. Ask one of the trusted elders to inform our people to stand by." Song Qiang glared at his son.

"..." Song Lei was speechless, never expecting that his father chose this option since they might get attacked by five first-rate influences at the same time. It was still impossible even with the help of Spirit Nest.

"Lei… You might take me as a fool about this decision, but even if you think about family and choose to stop. I won\'t blame you. However, I am doing this for my little granddaughters… I might not live anymore after this decision, but I am sure my granddaughter\'s future would be more prosperous than mine." Song Qiang said mysteriously.

Song Lei pondered for a moment before leaving his grandfather alone.

Song Qiang sighed. Though A huge genius that can\'t grow might not be dangerous, Alex was a different case as he didn\'t know why, but he could picture that Alex would surely grow. Whether coming from his mysterious identity or VIP Card, Alex must be someone special, and he was betting on that identity.

He then continued observing him before finding Kyle and Sherry finally released their Fire after stepping on the 835th plank 840th respectively.

Even though the difference was only forty planks, the gap between their talents and the heirs and heiresses of first-rate influences was too far, let alone when they saw Alex had yet to release his flame.

Unbeknownst to them, they were a Phoenix and a Celestial Fox that became contracted beasts of a Pure Fire Element person. Unlike Stina, who only joined recently, their talent had been shaped from an early age, making them unnaturally fearful in this trial.

The other leaders began gulping down, wondering when Alex, the leader of Spirit Nest, would release his element. Considering he had Alchemist rank under his name, his element manipulation would surely perfect.

They were already happy when their heirs and heiresses passed the 900th mark, but that happiness pummeled when they saw Alex.

A feeling of relief appeared on their hearts when they saw Alex reached the 850th mark. Fire started gushing out of his body and enveloped his entire body. This would mean that Alex couldn\'t stand it anymore.

But… using it after only reaching this far, one question suddenly appeared on their minds.

\'Will he beat the record of this trial?\'

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