Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 680 - The Problem under the Sea

Chapter 680 - The Problem under the Sea

*Rumble Rumble!*


Not far from Freedom Sect was a gigantic volcano that no one had ever seen before. The rough size of its mouth alone was several times larger than the one near the Fire Temple.

Like how Alex predicted what happened, it was inside the same ring of fire like the one in Fire Temple Territory. The moment the ground started shaking strongly, it must distract the Ring of Fire and force the Volcanoes to erupt.

And this volcano was no different. It spewed a huge amount of lava, rocks and other things to its surroundings.

The sea monsters tried to escape while the weaker ones weren\'t so lucky and were killed almost instantly. Another catastrophe would soon strike the Freedom Sect.

*Rumble Rumble!*


Licht\'s heart skipped a beat when he heard this sound before looking at Alex. "Brat! What do you know about it?"

Alex narrowed his eyes. He didn\'t care about it earlier, and he demanded an answer like this. Alex recalled everything about the underwater volcano eruption and thought. \'It shouldn\'t happen like this. Most underwater volcano eruptions usually went unnoticed… But this one shouldn\'t like this unless it\'s an unusual volcano eruption!\'

Looking at Aileen with a solemn look, he once again asked. "How big is the volcano?"

"You have seen the volcano in the Fire Temple\'s area, right? It\'s ten times bigger than that. That is the one near to us."

"!!!" Alex gritted his teeth and clicked his teeth. Although their attitude wasn\'t likable, he needed to let this matter go as they were in danger. "Usually, you won\'t notice an underwater volcano eruption due to the water cooling the lava instantly. However, there are some occurrences where the volcano shoots out not only its material like rocks, but also lava domes, ash, and even underwater lava flows.

"The eruption will create a crater that will release a huge amount of lava. The problem is how big the crater will be… Assuming the loud sound, the size of its original mouth and the continuous rumbling sound as if there are many rocks coming toward us, I assume it creates a gigantic crater. And all of those materials will flow to this place and strike at this barrier… And—!"

"Enough. Thank you for the information, and I can imagine what will happen." Licht stopped him while sweating. Luckily, the people had arrived, so Licht could finally pass his order to all people at once. "This is my order. Space Temple will continue maintaining their Spatial Gate and reduce the amount of water flowing inside this place.

"Knowing about the volcano eruption, there is a high chance that monsters will charge at this place. Water Temple Elders are required to repel all monsters to prevent our barrier from collapsing while your disciples need to direct the water here. We need to start killing the monsters here. Hence I want to weaken them first. Meanwhile, Earth Temple is required to make a solid landscape for us as we are going to rebuild an unstable part before replacing the barrier with a temporary array to patch this colossal hole.

"Light and Dark Temple will create an illusion to camouflage the area here. Remember, try to make the monsters think there is nothing around this area… Or make it look as dangerous as possible because of the suction force from the Spatial Gates.

"Ice Temple will create a temporary wall to redirect the huge mass coming from the volcano. You don\'t need to stop it because it will be too much for you. Just use your ice to create a wall that is enough to redirect them… It\'s even more wonderful if we can create a temporary wall using those materials.

"I know that Ice Temple can\'t withstand the pressure from the sea alone while maintaining the ice wall, so Wind Temple will follow them to support them either in creating a wind barrier to make them comfortable or protecting them from the potential monsters attacks.

"Fire Temple is not here due to their volcano, so that leaves Lightning Temple. I want all of you to scatter around the area to kill these monsters. You have the water, use it to your advantage… Just don\'t forget to not hit friendly. Now go!" Licht ended his command with a shout.

Without saying anything, the people from Nine Temples started working together to handle the situation.

Alex turned around while maintaining his Spatial Gate and saw the Great Elder of Thunder Temple. He appeared to be a middle-aged man with the cultivation of 9-Star Martial Saint. Even though he didn\'t have a bulky muscle, Alex could see the tremendous power behind his small stature.

He pulled out his white metal pole as he narrowed his eyes, looking at monsters on the ground. "Three elders will try to stop the induction a few hundred meters away from this place. Make sure no one is electrocuted in that area. As for the rest, you need to get ready to attack the monsters after my attack. Make sure all the monsters are dead."

"Yes, Sir!" The elders from Thunder Temple quickly scattered themselves around the area.

Meanwhile, their Great Elder clapped his hand once before electricity ran through his hand, connecting his two hands. He raised both hands as if worshiping something.

Surprisingly, the lightning turned into a tree before it struck forth. The lightning flew out of the branch and hit the water. The seawater channeled the lightning and electrocuted the monsters. The tree kept shooting out lightning one after another as if there were a rain of lightning.

Some of them were killed, some of them were paralyzed while some of them were fine. The elders began to move and fought those who were still alive while their Great Elder tried to recover his Spiritual Energy as soon as possible because he had too many monsters to deal with.

"Don\'t forget to reserve your power! The flood must have gone toward the other temples, so there might be a few thousand monsters around the area. Some Martial Saints Elder might be able to handle it, but their number is a bit restricted."

"Yes, Sir!"

Alex watched them with great interest as he never knew these people. Aileen also had some leeway to answer his doubt. "I will explain their identity. That one is Lightning Great Elder, Riadon. The one in charge of Light Temple and who gave the order earlier was Licht. Meanwhile, the last one that stayed here was Melva. Just remember not to get entangled with that woman, she is a succubus, and I\'m sure she will suck you dry."

Alex looked at Licht and Riadon, thinking. \'Licht seemed to be the old version of Anya as their brain, and Light Element are the same. Only, Anya was more to support while I don\'t know his strength. On the other hand, Riadon is the opposite of Leoz. He uses and controls his Lightning Element very well… Unlike Leoz, who mostly uses his brute strength.\'

However, when he glanced at Melva and began comparing her with Anna, she suddenly turned around and gave him a kiss from afar as if she was responding to him.

Alex shuddered upon that sight and quickly turned around as if she didn\'t see her. He then turned back to the ground and saw almost all monsters in the area had perished. The Water Temple Disciples began their job and controlled the water, sweeping them into one place. They were planning to have the Fire Temple to evaporate the water for them. Unfortunately, they were not present, so they asked an Elder from Space Temple to help them store the water inside Spatial Gate and started moving to weaken the monsters.

Still, Alex was amazed by the monsters. He looked at each monster around the area and gasped. He wasn\'t shocked by their strength, but their appearance. \'Is that shark? But that huge fifty meters body… Damn, it\'s even bigger than Megalodon… However, this monster is known as Deep Sea Shark in the knowledge from my inheritance. The strength is usually Martial Saint, and their king is usually 6-Star or 7-Star Martial Saint. Luckily, there are none of them here, only a 1-Star Martial Saint.\'

After the water started draining, the Earth Temple began controlling the dirt around the place and stuck them together to make a surface that could withstand the sea pressure. They carefully strengthened it under the Great Elder\'s surveillance. He almost forgot about this person to be honest, because this Great Elder looked very gloomy and had little to no presence.

The Great Elder was a middle-aged lady with big eye bags as if she hadn\'t slept for centuries. Her bangs also almost hide this bad eyes from her face. However, he couldn\'t see why this person had such a condition despite her busty body. After all, her body alone wasn\'t losing against the Dark Temple Great Elder, who was supposed to have the most devilish body.

Yet, this woman could have this little presence as if she was assimilated with the ground herself. Alex shook his head and turned around before those elders started noticing him like Melva, thinking Aileen must have forgotten her existence since she didn\'t introduce her to him. Meanwhile, the Array Masters began creating symbols after symbols to fix the barrier.

He then started looking outside with his Spirit Eyes to see those people from Water Temple, Wind Temple, and Ice Temple.

Outside, right in front of the Space Gate were many gigantic whirlpools, sucking the water at an alarming rate. The people from Water Temple swum in this dark and deep sea as if they were sea monsters. They could feel the presence of monsters around and killed them almost instantly. There were some monsters that were strong, but the Great Elder killed them.

This person was the strongest person from Water Temple, a 9-Star Martial Saint. He had long blue hair and a long blue robe. While killing the monsters, he could hear the loud rumbling sounds moving toward them.

"Ten Elders will go toward those two Temples and assist them to the best of your ability," he commanded after noticing the dire situation. "Don\'t forget not to breathe since the smell sucks."

The elders nodded and left his side as they saw a huge amount of rocks coming toward them. They needed to assist them in making sure these many things wouldn\'t hit their barrier.

On the other hand, the Ice Temple had been protected by the Wind Temple before they decided to freeze the water around them, creating a huge and thick wall underwater. Each wall was aligned with each other as if they had the same mind. However, these people were just connecting the Ice Element that came from their Great Elder and helped her by supplying Spiritual Energy.

None of them were slacking or complaining when those things hit them. However, they didn\'t direct it as Licht suggested because they found that these materials would only get sucked by the Spatial Gates.

They still could search some treasures inside this, so they rather set it aside even if it took more energy. Suddenly, the acidic pungent smell filled their nose, making them want to throw up.

Fortunately, the Wind Temple was fast enough to strengthen their barrier to prevent this pungent smell from entering. They didn\'t know why, but the Ice Temple decided to praise them.

Having seen this situation, the elders from Water Temple stopped for a while and watched from the sideline before they moved to one side of the wall and controlled the water current to help the rock moving. This would greatly help the Ice Temple.

Alex confirmed that the situation was handled pretty well, and it would soon return to normal. There might be some houses destroyed because of the shock and flood, but it should be fine, he thought.

He was wondering whether any influences would move like them in the case of an emergency since most influences he attacked only forced the disciples to hole up in their own haven. Only this time, he could see that there was no pressure coming from each other as they helped unconditionally. It was truly a beautiful scene to see, at least for Alex.

After this incident came to an end, Alex looked up as he wondered how the others were doing and hoped they were fine.

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