Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 320 - Dropping Dimes On And Off The Court

Kyle slowly lifted his head as he looked up and gazed in the direction that Jason was looking at. His heart began to race as an ecstatic smile bloomed across his face. 

His lanky legs swiftly carried him to the front of the stage with long and fluid strides. Seeing this Jason chuckled \'Look at this guy, you would think he was cutting to the rim with the way he\'s running.\'

Kyle jumped down from the stage with the same vigor as when he would jump up into the air during games to catch lobs.

The five-foot drop didn\'t seem to be much of a problem for Kyle as he bent his knees slightly casually absorbing the impact of the jump.

As he towered over the dainty figure in front of him he reached out to grab both of her hands with his own "Oh my god! Liz!"

With her long curly brown hair tied back Elizabeth warmly smiled at Kyle. With her hands gently held in his she blushed before turning her head to the side. An attempt to hide her nervous face.

After the two of them walked to the side of the room Elizabeth looked at Kyle directly in the eyes,  but that would only last for a split second as her face would heat up forcing her to look down.

"Sorry for ghosting you Kyle. I wanted to surprise you... but I was also kind of nervous." A surprised look flashed on Kyle\'s face as he looked down at Elizabeth.

"Nervous? Liz, I am so sorry. If me asking you out to the dance was-" Elizabeth tugged down on Kyle\'s hands as she tightened her grip.

She shook her head before smiling up at Kyle "It\'s not your fault Kyle. I was actually super excited when you asked me. It\'s just..."

She took a deep breath before continuing "I was worried that I would mess this up." Kyle looked at her with a confused expression on his face "Mess what up? The dance?"

Elizabeth averted her gaze from Kyle\'s as she began to sheepishly look down "I don\'t know what we are or what we have... But I don\'t want to ruin it.

We\'ve only ever been with each other in person once, back in the plane. And I\'ve tried my hardest to sound cool whenever we texted or talked over the phone.

But that just isn\'t me. I\'m clumsy, shy, and awkward. The only reason why my texts were even bearable is because I had my friend proofread them every time... before I would hit send.

I never meant to make you worry, and I didn\'t even intend to ghost you. It was just too hard for me to say anything when I know how popular you are and how easy it would be for you to find another girl to take to the dance."

After hearing what she had to say Kyle felt like slapping himself in the face. He realized that he had never confirmed their relationship with her.

It seemed like such an obvious thing that he couldn\'t believe that he had overlooked it.

Just as Kyle was fumbling through his mind looking for what to say next Jason\'s voice boomed out from the speakers drawing his attention to the stage.

Under the spotlight Jason smiled as he held his microphone up "Alright y\'all, break time is over and we have a special song for some special people."

Jason looked down to where Kyle and Elizabeth were standing. As his eyes locked in with Kyle\'s he gave him an encouraging wink and a thumbs up.

He ran back as he gathered Samantha and Cody for a group huddle "Alright guys, our boy Kyle is in some serious need of reinforcements.

Do any of you know how to play piano?" Samantha shook her head but surprisingly Cody nodded "Cha dude. Like, I tottally got you guys covered."

Jason and Samantha both looked at Cody incredulously. Jason stared at him "You\'re not messing with me right? You actually know how to play the piano?"

Cody slowly nodded his head. Samantha raised her brow "Seriously?" Cody closed his fingers except for his thumb and pinky as he gave Jason and Samantha a shaka sign.

"No problemo dudes and dudettes. Even though I shred on the drums I can get pretty gnarly on those keys."

Jason nodded his head as he showed the sheet music of a song to Cody using his phone "Think you can play this?"

After taking a look Cody smiled "Like I said before broham, no problemo." After getting his confirmation Jason turned from Cody to Samantha.

"So Cody will cover the piano, I need you to cover Bruno\'s parts in this one Sammy. I would do it but I don\'t think I have the voice to do his parts justice.

And besides, I don\'t think rapping is your thing so I\'ll just cover that part of the song. Does that sound good to you guys?"

The two of them nodded their heads. Jason clapped his hands "Then let\'s get this show started." He turned around and made his way to the front of the stage alongside Samantha while Cody went over to Kyle\'s keyboard.

As Cody began playing Samantha began to sing.

"Beautiful girls all over the world

I could be chasing but my time would be wasted

They got nothin\' on you baby

Nothin\' on you baby."

Samantha\'s beautiful and charming voice filled the room as couples began to dance. Kyle looked around and as he was listening to her sing the lyrics spoke to him. He knew what he needed to say.

"I know you feel where I\'m coming from

Regardless of the things in my past that I\'ve done

Most of it really was for the hell of the fun

On the carousel so around I spun (Spun)

With no directions just tryna get some (Some)

Tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun (Sun)

An\' so I lost more than I had ever won

And honestly I ended up with none"

With Jason rapping his part of \'Nothing on You\' in the background Kyle tightened his grip on Elizabeth\'s hands slightly.

"I-I don\'t really talk to girls all that much Liz. Even though you might think that I\'m this super cool basketball player that\'s popular with girls that isn\'t me.

I know that you were worried about messing things up by showing the real you but that\'s just impossible... Because the real you is what made me like you in the first place."

Her eyes opened wide in surprise hearing Kyle say that, Kyle continued "Every time you over-explained something or rambled, whenever you get excited to tell me awesome science facts.

You might have thought that it was embarrassing or nerdy but I always thought it was cute. So there\'s nothing for you to worry about.

Even if I was this super awesome basketball star with Jaya\'s level of popularity I would never look at any other girl like that. Because you\'re the only one that makes me feel this way."

Elizabeth stood there silently in her light blue dress as she gazed at Kyle\'s warm smile. A few tears streamed down her face before she pulled him in tight in her embrace.

Kyle was startled by her actions. He could feel his whole face heating up but he didn\'t deny her or push her away.

He simply returned her embrace as the two of them began to slowly sway side to side. Accomponied by AND1\'s performance the young couple shared in their first dance.

Seeing the two young faces so filled with happiness and comfort as they danced Jason couldn\'t help but smile.

\'And with his amazing playmaking Young Buckets earned another assisst. I don\'t know how long they\'ll last or if they\'ll even end on a good note.

But young innocent love like that is one of the best memories you could make.\' As he looked out at the crowd that was dancing in front of him Jason\'s smiled dimmed just a bit as he saw a familiar face.

Jason sighed in his mind as he saw Karla looking up at him expectantly \'I\'m sorry Karla but I won\'t be able to help you make these kind of memories.

First of all I might look like a middle schooler but I have thirty years of life under my belt, it\'s just impossible for me to feel that way about a little girl like you.

Besides, now that I have a second chance I need to dedicate as much time as possible to refining my basketball skills. But still.... I just hope that I can turn her down gently.\'

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