Mystical Journey

Chapter 956 - Reform 2

Chapter 956: Reform 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“In terms of training your body, you’ve already pushed it to the limits, but can you fight against a Level Two Willpower Pilot? Not the ones from the radiation belt but the real Level Two Pilots who pilot a Mech and have Willpower attack techniques.”

Sinno was speechless as shook her head.

“Obviously, you don’t have tricks to break into defense. Even if there are another hundred of soldiers like you, one Level Two Mech Pilot would kill all of you in an instant, don’t you think?” Garen smiled and turned around to face her.

Even though she was not reconciled, what Garen said was just the truth.

Sinno had nothing to say, so she remained silent.

“You are very strong, but that is for an average person who doesn’t know Willpower attack techniques in the wilderness of the radiation belt. Ignore the Pilots from the domain or the Underground Rebel Army, you can’t even fight a Level One Mech Pilot. Am I right?” Garen was bluntly discriminating her confidence.

“I wasn’t born with Willpower, that is my fate,” Sinno said softly.

“Are you happy?” Garen smiled lightly.

Sinno remained silent.

“You’re willing to ruin the pretty face you were born with just so that you do not stir up trouble, not attract lust. Don’t you remember the pain you felt when you were destroying your face? And why was that? All because you couldn’t elevate your Willpower, you couldn’t protect your own beauty. Just to avoid being hoisted away to become a slave, you’d rather ruin your own face. All this just because you are powerless.”

Every single word said by Garen hit Sinno deep in her heart.

“What do you want me to do, just say it and I’ll do whatever you say!” Sinno clenched her fist hard.

“I need you to cooperate with me, to let me experiment on you,” Garen said.

“Is there a possibility that I might die?” Sinno asked.

“Yes, you might die, or you might become stronger. You might also become a mutated creature, neither human or monster. You better think it through!” Garen reminded her.

He had an ambitious experiment plan brewing in his mind. This experiment would be a continuation of the one he carried out back in the Totem World.

Maybe he would be able to path a new way of power.

“It’s alright, you’re right. I’m still far away from true strength.” Sinno took a deep breath to prepare herself. “Nobody gets something without reason, that is something I’ve understood since I was a little girl. If I want something, I have to give something in return.”

“Do you need anesthetic?” Garen asked with satisfaction.

“Will it affect the outcome?”

“Of course,” Garen nodded.

“No need then.” Sinno inhaled deeply, “What do you need me to do?”

Garen walked in front of her and pressed her head gently. A weak vibration was transmitted from his hand and towards Sinno’s entire body, swiftly checking through her body and muscular conditions.

“The Distorted Seed has fixed a lot of hidden injuries that you didn’t notice last time. Your body is now in good condition, which is suitable for the procedure. Alright, come here.”

Garen led her to an experimental platform that was built from stone.

Holding her hand, he placed it on the surface of the platform.

“I shall now run a skin allergy test, do tell me if you feel any pain.”


Garen placed her hands flat on the table, then picked up a metal syringe which was prepared earlier on. From a sealed bottle, he drew out a small amount of red solution which was still boiling. Gently, he then dripped the solution on the skin of Sinno’s outer arm.

White smoke was still fuming from the red liquid, but once dripped on Sinno’s body, she held the urge to pull back her arm. She could only watch as the drop of red liquid dripped onto her outer arm, onto the surface of her skin.

Weird thing was, it did not hurt at all. It was just slightly chilly.

“This type of experimental solution has an extremely low boiling point, just twenty-five degrees. So even if it is boiling, you won’t feel it burn,” Garen explained.

Just when Sinno was going to nod her head, she felt a soft prick extending from where a drip of the solution made contact with her skin.

“There’s a little sting,” she said softly.

“Is that so? Well, the causticity is unavoidable.” Garen touched his chin, “You were reformed by my Distorted Seed though, so your body is able to adapt according to stimulations from the external environment. You should be alright.”

What he wanted to do was to achieve what he did back in Totem World where he successfully excluded all reaction and transplanted a stronger biological organ to attain a higher level of strength.

For someone who was born without Willpower like Sinno, who wanted strength and craved for power, but had the sufficient perseverance, she was the perfect experimental subject. If he succeeds on Sinno, then he could carry out the reformation on himself.

“Is the sting gone yet?”

“No.” Sinno was slightly frowning as she continued to stare at the drop of red solution on the skin of her outer arm.

After waiting for approximately ten minutes, with Garen repeating the question for five times, the sixth time, Sinno finally did not feel the sting anymore. It seemed as if her body had adapted to the corrosive solution.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore?”

“Not anymore.”

Garen nodded his head in pleasure.

“Now take off all your clothes. I will apply a layer of this solution all over your body and you need to mentally prepare yourself. Just now it was just a little sting, but now you will be feeling the pain all over your body. You have to hold on!”

Sinno nodded with no hesitation.

She ripped away the bandage around her chest and took off her black shorts. She was not wearing underwear. In the radiation belt, most girls had no underwear to wear. They were already worried about every meal and their safety, so it was no surprise that they did not bother to look for such hassling things like underwear. After all, water supply for baths was expensive enough. There were more girls like Sinno who just wrapped their chest and left their lower body naked, maybe stuff in some cotton sort of object.

The whole of Sinno’s bare body was presented right before Garen’s eyes, but what surprised Garen was the parts where her body was covered with clothes earlier on now revealed horrifying red scars. There were two of those that extended from her hips all the way to her thighs, almost ripping her bottom into half. If it was not for the coverage of her shorts, it seemed as if there were two blood-red centipedes trying to make their way into her bottom half. It was eerily horrifying.

“It’s very ugly huh?” Sinno covered up her three points and asked in a low voice. It was obvious that she was a girl who cared about beauty, or else she would not have purposely covered up all the ugly parts of her body and only showed parts of her without scars.

“Have a few more looks now, you might not be able to see them anymore.” Garen held out his hand and touched the scars on Sinno’s face gently. It did not feel like an ordinary girl’s smooth and delicate skin, but bumpy like a bunch of maggots heaped up together.

Crouching down, he carefully began to coat a layer of red solution on Sinno’s body.

Soon enough, Sinno was covered by a red layer.

Slowly as time passed, Sinno started shivering as the red solution was slowly stimulating her nerves.

“This is to let you adapt in advance so I didn’t use a large amount of it. Until you’ve fully adapted to it, then I’ll coat another layer of it with higher concentration. Lastly, I will then soak you in the real unprocessed biochemical fluid.” Garen explained, “Hold it in, this is to increase your resistivity towards the corrosive solution.”

Sinno nodded firmly but tears and snot were streaming down her face. The pain was spreading everywhere in her body, wave after wave of stinging pain that she was unable to resist. She felt as if her consciousness was slowly starting to bury itself underneath all the pain.

Garen began stacking small metal plates on her heart, abdomen and on her head.

The old quantum computer by the side was closely monitoring her body condition to avoid any accidents. Even though the adaptation of the Distorted Seed was relatively strong, it was only after it was activated. Now that it had yet to be activated, Sinno’s body was just like any other average person. Only thing was that her resistance, body health, and resilience was slightly stronger.

As minutes and seconds passed, Sinno finally stopped shivering and collapsed in a pool of sweat. The weird thing was, not one drop of the red solution was washed off.

Garen began to use a special form of liquid to wash away the redness on her body. After coating on a layer of blue solution, the redness was finally washed away. Then, the peculiar thing happened – the original scars on Sinno’s skin were faded.

The hideous scars were actually fading away slowly.

“This thing here has the ability to remove scars.” Garen stood up and smiled, “Alright, come again next time then. From today onwards, drop by once a day to do it. Come by around this time, got it?”

“Alright.” Sinno touched the scars on her face with astonishment. They really did fade and she could feel that they were lighter than before.

“Alright, off you go,” Garen waved her off.

Sinno got dressed and walked off on her own.

In the following days, Garen gradually increased the amount and number of the solution.

Towards the back, Garen even wanted to apply the solution on her most private place.

As Sinno slowly opened up and fully cooperated, Garen began making weird requests.

For example, he would request for her to dip into a sink filled with the solution. While she was soaked in the solution, she had to open her eyes from time to time to let the solution enter her eyes and also to purposely allow the solution to be poured into her ears. Besides that, he would request for her to drink a small amount of the solution, sometimes even heating the solution at the same time, or sometimes it was cool. Every time the solution was heated, it easily produced a vast amount of vapor and he would ask Sinno to inhale them.

He just had one goal which was to let the internal and external of her body adapt to this corrosive solution.

On the ninth day, there was finally a new change.

The concentration of the solution increased once again. As she made contact with the solution, she felt the same sting as she did the first time, the pain was maybe even more intense but she resisted.

This step, however, was the beginning of the nightmare which was to come. There seemed to be a new addition to the solution which made the itching everywhere on her body unbearable. But she was surprised to find that many of the scars on her body had actually disappeared. Her skin returned to its normal tone, becoming white and delicate. Whereas her original delicate skin became even shinier. She also felt that her lungs became more comfortable, her breaths were bigger and each inhale took a longer time.

This was the part where Garen reformed her lungs. Lungs are directly related to one’s biological hair. In addition to the corrosive solution that corrected her skin, it was no surprise that Sinno’s scars were disappearing rapidly.

However, all this was just Garen’s preparation work as Sinno’s body had just adapted to the new concentrated solution. Finally, the real reformation shall begin.

The biochemical fluid used for the reformation was a type of highly concentrated corrosive liquid that would immediately corrode any ordinary being who jumps in it. This was also why Garen diluted the solution multiple times to let Sinno slowly adapt to the special biochemical fluid.

Lastly, the only missing part was a powerful organ that needed to be reformed.

As to which organ and which living creature, Garen was still deciding.

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