Mystical Journey

Chapter 1065 - Void Battle 1

Chapter 1065: Void Battle 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Garen was floating in the sky looking down at Chen Cheng and her family. This was one of the rare occurrences where he met someone by chance. What he gave Chen Cheng was not just one of his dark blue knives, but also one of the most fundamental frost secret technique exercise. If she actually practiced it to its peak level, he would be able to sense it through the ring and come back to pick her up. However, if she did not practice it, perhaps they might never see each other ever again.

Garen took one last peek below at Chen Cheng and her family who were still in shock. He then turned around and flew back into his own flying ship.

A black whirlpool slowly appeared before the flying ship but nobody from the crowd could see what was happening. The streets were still filled with a stream of cars and the entire city was still functioning as usual.

The flying ship slowly entered the black hole and soon disappeared into the sky.

Garen was sitting at a dimly lit area inside the cockpit of the flying ship, staring at the blinking lights on the control panel. He stood up abruptly and searched around for a purple colored fruit wine. He then poured himself a small glass.

After taking a tiny sip, his body shuddered involuntarily. He was frozen for a moment, the wine glass in his hands and the wine itself was instantly covered with a layer of white frost. From Garen’s palm which was in contact with the glass, a layer of thick ice frost started spreading, freezing the entire glass and wine together which then formed a purple gem-like ice block.

He had unconsciously reached Inherited Level.

It took Garen a long time before he finally came around. Looking inside his body, a high amount of energy from the Plasma Bomb was fully absorbed already while there were still a small traces of energy left unabsorbed from the blood red beads which were weakening by the moment.

“Hellfrost Peacock Technique... Indeed a terrifying growth,” he took a deep breath. “So this is the legendary thick and thin, where it finally outbreaks after years of accumulation.”

Entering Inherited Level was a silent move. For outsiders, Garen just seemed to shudder for a moment and the wine of glass in his hands froze. That was all bystanders would see, and perhaps they would think he lost control suddenly, but nobody would ever think that he actually succeeded in advancing to Inherited Level.

“From entering Resonance Level to Inherited Level, how long did I actually take? Not even three years,” Garen exclaimed. “As a Secret Technician, the highest Living Secret Technique is indeed extraordinary. After practicing the Living Secret Technique for such a long time, I really thought I would never succeed, that I would never reach somewhere, but who knew I would experience such a drastic change.”

He recalled Nonosiva’s future that he witnessed back in the Space-Time Print.

Under the cultivation of the lucky remaining resources of Scarlet Snow Sect, he would enter Inherited Level. But after a hundred years, he would still be killed by the White King’s men, the Royal Cavaliers of the Light of Freedom, in the Battle of Ice Age.

This was the original fate of this body. Members of the Light of Freedom were all Perpetual Motion-leveled powerhouses and Chinande the Wild Mutt was the leader who led the Light of Freedom to destroy one of the Three Major Metropolis of the Energy Machinists — the city of Nagadako, which was also the entire Planet Naga.

Turning back from this tiny planet, Garen returned back to his original path.

“I wonder what is the relationship between Carthage and the Light of Freedom? From the looks of it, this guy might possibly a projection or a clone of one of the members of the Light of Freedom,” he remembered the gigantic silver arm full of scales and made a guess of his own.

“Entering Inherited Level in such a short period of time is too sudden. It is better if I hide it first and wait for a while before announcing it. With that, I’d be valued and also hide some unusual features at the same time,” Garen had come to a decision. He was in no rush since Carthage gave him a year’s time to wander around.

The flying ship flew through the rainbow passage, then emerging in front of a huge circular silver-blue gate.

‘Welcome to Willis Star Port, please choose your time to jump.’ An electronic female voice rang.

“Immediately,” Garen responded.

“Entering default coordinates... Begin access track...”

Garen could see the silver metal track outside the windows backtracking. The flying ship was moving rapidly along two metal tracks in space and it was still accelerating, moving faster and faster.

‘Speed has reached the preset level, will proceed to space jump. All crew please get ready.’ The smart system of the flying ship reminded.

Garen walked toward the control panel of the flying ship and swept through the display screen, there were only a few points marked on the map in the flying ship.

Scarlet Snow Planet, Planet Naga, Mother Planet, and the unknown Planet Number 1 that he just visited.

There were only four planets.

“Returning now would be meaningless. Since I’ve just broken through Inherited Level, I should do some training of my own outside. It’s time to test the true powers of my Hellfrost Peacock Technique,” an idea surfaced Garen’s mind and he did not choose any of the planets as his destination.

‘Activate scanner for star maps, search for any planets or non-planets,’ Garen commanded softly.


A soft blue light started blinking on the screen and a huge radar ring appeared in the middle with a white pointer rotating non-stop.

Within seconds, the scan results were out.

‘Three hundred and fifty light-years scan is complete, altogether two hundred and fifty thousand non-planets.’ The scanning system gave an answer that made Garen speechless.

“Exclude the planets near the usual tracks, filter within a hundred light years,” he minimized the range to avoid being found out by other flying ships passing by.

‘Minimizing range... Remaining results one hundred and sixty thousand.’

At this moment, the space jump had already started and there were only silver threads pulled from the Milky Way outside the windows of his flying ship zooming past along with a great number of planets. It was beyond magnificent.


Suddenly, the flying ship shook as if it crashed into something.

‘Experiencing spaceship anchor interception, chances of meeting Space Pirates is eighty percent.’ The flying ship’s smart system rang immediately.

The flying ship instantly decelerated and recovered from its space jump status.

Garen was worried. Once interjected in the middle of a space jump and one loses his high-speed jump status, it would be highly unlikely to make a far distance jump with a miniature flying ship like his because energy source would be a huge problem.

The distance between the flying ship and its current location was at least between ten to a few thousand light years. A distance this big was as wide as seas and deserts, maybe even further than one could imagine. Once stopped, the time needed to return to one’s destination would be a huge problem.

This was like a normal person who boarded a plane from Asia to America and was suddenly thrown overboard onto a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, then asked to swim to his destination. The challenge was here. If one did not meet a large-scale flying ship, there was the possibility of dying of old age in the middle of nowhere in the universe. This was the greatest risk of long-distance space jumps.

“A one in a thousand chance of being interjected and I had the honor of meeting it, I’m seriously lucky...” Garen mocked himself softly, then swiftly opened the control panel and started operating his ship.

‘Connect Energy Machinist’s Energy Machine Imprint.’

‘Connected. Manual operation activated.’ The smart system responded.

The view outside the windows finally stabilized and what appeared before Garen’s eyes were at least ten humongous fleets of ships. These ships were like pieces of black mainlands with countless red and blue blinking lights on them. Occasionally there were a few Mechs that emerged from within and darted toward the space in front.

The space on the other side was completely blocked by the humongous ship so Garen could not make out what was happening over there. However, from the vague flashes and explosion flames, he could guess that there was a war happening.

‘Public channel signal found, do you wish to connect?’

“Connect,” Garen replied.

A piece of surface popped out from beside the glass window of the flying ship as a display screen and it was displaying an overall radar scan.

“This is Remora Business Alliance’s mothership, Sapphire. To all those flying ships who were interrupted while jumping, listen up. To all those flying ships who were interrupted while jumping, listen up. The ones blocking us in front are the Dragonfly People from the Interstellar Pirates of Silver Blue Starsea. I hope that everyone will send out sufficient combat power so that we can get through this together,” a frantic man spoke up in the public channel.

“Interstellar Pirates?” It was Garen’s first time meeting such an event. Although he had heard of the Interstellar Pirates through magazines and news, this was actually his very first time encountering them.

After all, he had always been living on Mother Planet before joining Scarlet Sect so that he would have the qualifications to get in touch with the universe space sort of things because back in Mother Planet, space had been completely banned.

On the other hand, Planet Naga was opposing space, not even truly existing in the universe space. Besides Planet Naga, a lot of the surrounding areas were just violent anti-spatial particle storms with raging material-energy. It was nearly impossible to travel around.

It was only when he reached Scarlet Snow Planet where he acquired the Interstellar Travel License when he became a Third Hearted Disciple, or else he would have never thought about leaving Scarlet Snow Planet.

Garen cast a glance at the radar. There were hundreds of ships held up, all squeezed together as they welcomed the fleet of yellow battleship. Both sides were releasing a vast amount of Mechs and miniature bombing planes and combat panes. There were also mant pulse airships and even torpedo ships.

The torpedo ships were constantly releasing fish missiles that were pulled along by thin white threads which were very conspicuous in space.

“What about Energy Machinists in space, how are we supposed to battle?” Garen has yet made contact with such information as he was progressing too fast and there were a lot of things he had not caught up with. Luckily for him, he prepared some information before he started his journey.

“An ordinary Energy Machinist relies on his Energy Machine when engaging in a space battle, but I’m an Energy Machinist from Planet Naga so my body plays the most important role while my Energy Machines play the supporting role. This is troublesome... What I really need now is combat power, but that would be a Pilot’s role...” Garen frowned.

He knew that no matter how strong his Energy Machinist physique was, it was still merely a support in such an intense battle in space. Many Pilots have incredibly powerful Mechs, so in a battle like this, even as an Inherited Leveled Energy Machinist, an Energy Machinist from Planet Naga would not mean anything. If he was to wander around the battle in space alone, Inherited Level would certainly do. However, in comparison to a Mech, his abilities were nowhere near.

The Mechs were equipped with weapons of high lethality. A hundred Level-One Pilots who had been through space battle training would be able to trap a single non-equipped Inherited-Leveled Pilot from Planet Naga.

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