Mystical Journey

Chapter 1174 - Watching the Battle

Chapter 1174: Watching the Battle

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Mother...!” Yurijie’s breathing became heavy. “I’ll be back right away!!” She was participating in the Unrestricted Combat Department’s training exercise.

After hanging up the call, only then did Yuria feel that he was being a little impatient. He should not have called his sister before thoroughly verifying it.

He immediately called his mother’s working unit to inquire about the situation. He also called up the aunties who always hung out with his mother to ask more questions.

But no one said that they had seen his mother.

The hint of luck in his heart wore down with each telephone call. It was not until the last call that he was absolutely certain that his mother was indeed missing.

“Vulture.....!” He put down his phone and his eyes expressed hatred for the first time.

Whoosh... Suddenly, a cool breeze blew up the curtains.

The curtains rose and at the bottom of the edge of the covered window was a note of similar color to the window sill attached there.

Yuria rushed over with a stride. He seemed to see new hope again. “Hopefully, it is the clue left by Mother!!” His heart was anticipating.

Tearing off the note by the edge and reading it.

‘Go to Zhaotong City and look for someone named Owl. He will tell you everything.’

Behind it was an address.

“It’s Mother’s handwriting!” Yuria’s eyes suddenly brightened up. “So she must be fine!”

He breathed out a sigh of relief. As long as he knew that his mother was all right, everything could be easily handled.

Walking out of the bedroom, his eyes were dull as he stood by the fence of the second floor. Once his highly stressed spirit relaxed, he instantly felt a little tired.

“I really don’t know what’s going on with this world!” He murmured. The people who appeared to be normal were one by one becoming abnormal. If his mother’s message was true, then it was very likely that many things were kept hidden.

Why were he and others being trained together in various skills by his uncle from an early age? Now that he thought about it, those skills were very likely to be used against humans and were not the skills to hunt some kind of wild animal.

Moreover, the inexplicable emergence of the Vulture and how he became one of the Four Great Cornerstones out of the blue. Everything was becoming more and more mysterious.

He took out the phone again and dialed his cousin brother, Lincoln’s number. The only person he could think of at this time was his cousin.

Unfortunately, there was a busy signal on the phone.

“Whew...” He let out a long breath and felt extremely irritated in his chest. Unexplainable incidents were continuing to occur, making the doubts in his heart grow stronger.

Suddenly, an inexplicable piercing sensation emerged in his chest.

“This is...?” He panicked and abruptly rolled to the left.


A small firecracker sound was heard. On the floor where he had originally stood, there was a small white hole which was pluming white smoke.

“Gunman!! It’s a penetrating sniper rifle!” The knowledge of various weapons taught by his uncle immediately emerged in his mind.

There was a sniper aiming in the distance!

All the exhaustion in Yuria was swept away, and his whole body entered into a state of high concentration.

He abruptly rolled to the left again and hit a vase, causing it to shatter into pieces all over the floor, but there was another clear hole at his previous position.

“The ability to shoot through the wall. It is definitely a thermal imaging device, and the distance shouldn’t be far!”

He recalled the Vulture gunman whom he failed to catch the last time. In the aftermath analysis, they had confirmed that it was definitely not fired by those two people. According to the traces left at that time, there should have been a third person at the scene, but only two individuals were spotted at that time.

One rush forward and then a roll on the ground. Yuria made an L-shaped route, and there was another bullet hole in front of his path.

The intense crisis threatened every cell in his body causing them to unleash his strongest potential.

After dodging two consecutive shots, he finally rushed out of the building and ran an S-route, dashing toward the gunman.

From far away, he saw that at the window of a building nearby, a man clothed in black was retracting his firearm and giving him a look from the distance.

On the way home from not far off, Yurijie was also quickly running over here.

“Pursue!” She had apparently heard the gunshots and was carrying a long saber on her back. She was well-prepared.

Without saying a word, they both rushed towards the building.

The surrounding environment was very strange. There should be many pedestrians at this time, but it was the opposite of that. Not even a figure could be seen. It seemed that someone had deliberately alienated the crowd.

There was an unpleasant smell in the air and there was no telling what it was.

The two gave a mad pursuit and finally intercepted the other party on the slope of the gateway of a residential road.

“Stand still!” Yuria roared.

The other party actually stopped in his tracks.

Turning around, this man in a black trench coat revealed his face.

Thick eyebrows and calm eyes which gave a feeling of calmness like water.

“What do you want to say?” The man asked faintly.

“Where did you take my mother to?! Speak out!” Yuria suppressed his anger and anxiously shouted.

The man did not answer immediately but looked strangely at Yuria and his sister.

“Looks like you two really don’t know anything...”

“Know what?!!” Yurijie slowly pulled out the saber from the side, and her look was solemn. Obviously, she was going to make it a quick fight. Her Saber Art had soared recently, and she had very strong confidence in her own skills. After all, she was also trained as a child. Now, she was just integrating the stuff from the combat area into her Saber Art. The essence had not changed.

“Enough with the talk, take him down first!” Yuria was disinclined to say anything more. He simply pulled out the dagger that he carried with him and lunged forward.


In another window far away.

Garen and Nine-Tailed Fox stood side by side at the window, each holding a pair of binoculars and watching the battle between Yuria and the gunman from afar.

Nine-Tailed Fox was wearing a black blouse and a short white skirt with long black stockings. Her slim and long legs stood closely together without a gap. Coupled with the young appearance of a beautiful girl, the combination of purity, loveliness and sexiness revealed a peculiar temptation.

“That is Hai Feng,” she grinned and said. “So how is his strength?”

Garen did not answer and watched for a little while more before putting down the binoculars in his hand.

“What is his half-mechanized part? Why does it feel a little weird?”

“His ability could not be noted by the general people. Those who do not know the inside story will think that he has no ability at all and did not accept any modification,” Nine-Tailed Fox revealed a fox-like smile. “But in actual fact, he has the most secretive ability in the Vulture – Floral Scent.”

“It’s smell?!” Garen was enlightened.

“Yes. It’s smell,” Nine-Tailed Fox nodded. “It’s neither a harmful gas, nor it is poisonous. It’s just a catalyst.”

“A catalyst?”

“Yes,” Nine-Tailed Fox turned around and leaned back against the window sill. “A special gas that can accelerate the opponent’s physical exertion. At the same time, there will also be a certain hypnotic effect. It’s very subtle.”

“It’s impossible to guard against it,” Garen said as he nodded. “His own combat level is also very strong. This way, the opponent will unknowingly slip into the effect of his scent and lead to excessive physical exertion.”

“Hai Feng is a relatively cold person in the Vulture, but he is also a very special person,” Nine-Tailed Fox laughed.


“You will know as you continue to watch.”

She quietly approached Garen and the thighs wrapped in black silk gently rubbed against Garen’s right leg. The same faint hint of sweetness was emitted, slowly filling the air.


Yuria punched Hai Feng’s abdomen, but it was avoided by the other party. Instead, he himself was almost cut at the arm by his sister’s saber.

The three people fought together in the middle of the slope. From time to time, there would be flashes of swords, reflecting bright white lights.

Yurjie’s saber continued to sweep across Hai Feng’s body again and again and they would be just millimeters away from him but never actually hit him.

Yuria’s fists and legs were also synchronised as if they were acting together. He would come into contact with the other party just by a little bit more every time.

“You only know how to dodge?! Damn!!” Yuria shouted and was rather mad. He was a person who was calm on the surface but actually rather impulsive on the inside. Otherwise, the last time his cousin brother was kidnapped, he would not have rushed to rescue him without saying anything.

Now that he felt like being played by the other party in the combat, his anger began to rise.

“Dodge?” Hai Feng said plainly, “I just don’t want to kill you all.”

“What purpose do you have?!” Yurjie gave a vertical slash with her saber, but it was easily avoided by him.

“Hasn’t your teacher taught you not to use all your strength when you slash?” Hai Feng calmly said and was actually not short of breath at all.

“No need for you to tell!” Yuri was furious, and she slashed even harder. But still, she could not hit the person.

“Second-rate Saber Art, third-rate talent,” Hai Feng evaluated coldly. “Learning this kind of Saber Art means that you will only be at this level for the rest of your life.”


“This guy... is rather annoying,” Garen remarked unpleasantly.

The Saber Art was taught by him. Although he did not put much heart into it, being rated by other people as second-rate made him somewhat less than pleased.

“Hehe... Isn’t what the person said the truth?” Nine-Tailed Fox covered her mouth and teased. “Who asked you not to teach seriously? You didn’t even teach in accordance with the student’s aptitude.”

“They will be on their own paths sooner or later anyway. I was thinking that since there wouldn’t be much use with what I teach, it would be better to just simply give some pointers,” Garen shrugged.

“How about you go and teach him some lessons, let him know what the real Saber Art is like?” Nine-Tailed Fox probed Garen’s strength.

Since they did not intend to escape from the development of the Plot, the Transmigrators who practiced martial arts would become the targets everyone would seek out for.

Among them, Garen and Nine-Tailed Fox were naturally one of them. Nine-Tailed Fox seemed to have a good impression of Garen and intended to take him in to join her force. Now that there was another reason, it was all the more justifiable to come into direct contact.

Garen also understood that it was either Kong Xinxue or Nine-Tailed Fox who were the so-called sacrificial bodies who lured him in so he could be labor for them. He would not be that stupid and swallowed the temptation. As for taking action, he decided to look at the situation before doing anything.

He was now planning to check out what the Four Great Cornerstones’ Soul Energy Aura was all about and to see whether they could be used. The other was to complete some quests to earn some quest points and to go to the Lighthouse Headquarters to have a look. Everything else must concede to these two goals.

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