The Film Emperor's Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 91 - Celebratory Feast – Side A

The soldiers looked on sadly as the mountain-sized pile of insects turned into ashes. Before they knew it, they had already started to regard these bugs as food. The bug meat was indescribably delicious. It also contained some sort of special energy which was very beneficial for their own bodies. The key, though, was that they felt they were exacting their revenge as they ate the Zergs. If these corpses could be made into canned food, it was estimated that it could feed the entire army for around 10 to 15 days.

The morale of the Allied Forces soared. He Yun Chen and Gilbert decided to follow up their victory with a hot pursuit and they led the Allied Forces to the Zerg’s nest to completely wipe them out.

The three planets occupied by the Zergs have already become barren because of their encroachment. The ground had been completely eaten hollow and used as their nest, leaving only a few cave entrances. This facilitated the operation of the Allied Forces. They blocked several cave entrances and used their probe to find the location of the mother-Zergs. They blasted the subterranean caves directly and forced the mother-Zergs out. The hill-like bodies fell to the ground and ran around a few times.

The remaining Zergs wanted to rush out, but as soon as they rushed through the breach, they were sprayed with a large amount of pesticides, and they died on the spot. The corpses of the Zergs blocked up the entrances, which prevented the bugs behind them from leaving. They could only hide deeper into their caves, where they were eventually killed by the diffused poison from the pesticides.

The corpses of these worms were not burned, instead they were allowed to remain underground. As long as they were reprocessed, they could be used as fertilizers to nourish the abnormally barren land of the planet that they destroyed.

A total of four mother-Zergs were captured from their underground lairs. The females were extremely large, with a body length of five meters. Their huge belly occupied a full four meters. They had no fighting power; they could only eat and lay eggs. However, they needed staggering amounts of energy in order to lay eggs. Their children needed to constantly feed them. The Zergs that hatched from the eggs relied on their natural instincts to continuously attack and devour other living organisms. They were extremely brutal.

But now they could no longer take advantage of their brutality.

He Yun Chen arranged a transport ship to bring back the mother-Zergs and the pile of unhatched eggs, ready for artificial breeding.

That’s right — Zerg farming.

The Zergs have been completely wiped out, leaving only these four females and their pile of eggs. This amount was not enough for the Imperial Army to eat ... Oh, no, um, they meant — this amount was nothing for them to be afraid of. Right.

These mother-Zergs reproduced very quickly. They could lay four or five thousand eggs at a time, and after hatching and maturing these could be made into canned food. Oh, such delicious food.

Just thinking about it, made them all excited.

Since then, the alliance of the Blue Star Empire and the Rutes achieved overwhelming victory. The news was sent back home, and throughout the entire empire there was great rejoicing. Because it involved national security, everyone was extremely concerned about this war. Every time a battle report came in, the hearts of the people would be seized with worry. The Zergs’ ferociousness was well-known, thus, they all thought that this would be a tough battle. They never expected that it would be resolved this quickly and from a very peculiar angle at that.

Now that they had attained victory, a celebratory feast was an absolute must. Luckily, the eggs that they’d just brought back had a batch that hatched and it could be used as the ingredients for the celebratory feast. And of course, the chef who would preside over this feast would be Ruan Tang himself.

Gilbert and He Yun Chen reminded Ruan Tang to broadcast live when the time came. This big meat would soon become one of the safe ingredients for sale in the shopping site. Through live broadcast, not only will the audience be forewarned, but you could also think of it as free advertising.

Because Ruan Tang had gone to the frontline, he posted an announcement in the live broadcast room that he would be taking a long vacation. It has been quite a long time since he last did a broadcast. The Alliance’s victory was something everyone should celebrate. It was only right that they share it with everyone and thus, Ruan Tang very readily agreed.

So, on this day, the people of the empire welcomed an unexpected and never-before-seen kind of live broadcast.

[Meow Meow loves all the dishes the anchor: My god! The anchor actually started broadcasting!]

[Genuine Devil: It’s finally on, ohh, we miss you so much!]

[Can’t stop Hugging Trees: Huh? Where’s the anchor? Why doesn’t it look like a kitchen?]

“Hello everyone, I’m the anchor, Ruan Tang. Today, the Alliance Army achieved a great victory, so I will be preparing a celebration party for all the heroes.”

[Yue Mingya: Long live the Empire, long live the Alliance! My entire family cried when we saw the news that we had finally won!]

[Handing over the dried fish to the cat: It’s wasn’t easy to defeat the Zergs, it really should be celebrated!]

[Nuanhua Lian Ye: Wow! A celebration party! It sounds delicious! I’m looking forward to!]

[Little Swallows fly and fly: Great, today we have the gourmet’s luck! God knows how long it’s been since we’ve eat the anchor’s food. I feel like everyone has lost weight!]

There were already ready-to-eat meals and instant noodles that could be eaten just by heating them and this greatly improved the meals of the imperial people who weren’t very good at cooking. However, the taste of these common meals was incomparable with dishes made by Ruan Tang himself. This actually made everyone all the more eager to eat the dishes he made. So, as soon as he started the live broadcast, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to shoot up like a rocket.

However, when the ingredients were introduced, the expressions of all the viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly crumbled.

[Yan Sheng Yan Sheng Sheng Sheng: My God! What is this hill-like thing?!! It can’t be what I think it is, right...?]

[Milk tea coffee: Although I ... I read in the news that the Zergs were edible ... but it’s really shocking to see it with my own eyes!]

[Lin Jingan: It turns out that Zerg meat won’t only be used when there’s a food shortage? It kinda feels like it’s going to be introduced as an official ingredient ...]

Ruan Tang smiled. He had someone cut the beetle’s shell with a special tool to reveal the white bug meat inside. He then took a kitchen knife and cut out a large piece. There were smart robots beside him that had instructions set up. They copied his movements exactly.

Although the bug’s outward appearance was quite ugly, its flesh was a glittering and translucent white. It looked soft and simply delicious.

The beetle meat itself didn’t contain any fishiness or gamey-ness, so it didn’t require very complicated pre-processing. It also had no bones, so it was quite easy to prepare. Ruan Tang sliced ​​the worm meat, then put in the chili sauce and doubanjiang to stir fry it. Very quickly, there was a plate of brilliant red bug meat stir-fry.

[Unable to extricate myself from learning: no no no, I refuse, I won’t eat it ...]

Some new viewers also resisted this delicacy because of the bug’s appearance, but Ruan Tang’s old viewers had no such trouble at all.

[Miao Maio loves to eat all the dishes of the anchor: Although I also feel awkward about eating Zergs, but just thinking about those delicious water monsters, I think I would still like to try this.]

[Can’t stop Hugging Trees: Just don’t think about it being bug meat. Just looking at it, it looks delicious!]

[Little transparent: Hmm ... I have to say, it’s really delicious! So savory and spicy. The meat is extremely tender, and it feels no different from Shui Zhu Fish!]

The beetle meat tasted sweet and tender. It’s texture was soft and tender without losing its elasticity. It was stir-fried with two kinds of sauces and the meat had completely absorbed their flavors. It was fresh and spicy, smooth and delicious. It was completely unthinkable a meat this tasty could have come from that incomparably ugly beetle.

Spurred on by their reactions, the other audiences gradually put down their prejudices and began to taste.T hey were quickly won over by the deliciousness of the bug meat.

[Dong Jiaxue: Oh my! As long as it’s delicious, who cares what kind of meat it is!]

The smart robots also followed the Ruan Tang’s movements, and cooked a plate of spicy beetle meat stir-fry, and then brought it to the soldiers’ tables.

Without hesitation, the soldiers picked up their chopsticks and plundered the contents of these plates. They ate like ravenous wolves.

Next, Ruan Tang brought out the rag worms. In order not to scare the audience, he chose a gradual method to introduce these bugs.

Unlike the white flesh of the beetle, the ragworms were to be eaten whole. Its golden color was interspersed with red and green. It looked very much like ... a bug ...

[Yan Guai: Oh please, please, don’t tell me we’re gonna eat it like this? !! !!]

[Su Su Su Su Su: Ah, ah, ah, it’s disgusting seeing them writhing like that! I won’t eat it! I won’t!]

Ruan Tang still smiled gently despite the audiences’ resistance.

After washing these bugs, he put them into a wok and stir-fried them over low heat. He seasoned it with a little salt and oil, and finally added the beaten eggs. After some quick sautéing over high heat for 5 minutes, it was ready to be taken out of the wok.

The meat of the ragworm was fine and delicate, fresh and tender. The taste reminded Ruan Tang of the oriental whitebait from his previous life. It also had a clear and sweet juiciness. That was why he chose to use the ragworms with scramble eggs in order to preserve its unique taste.

[Mo Shangzi: Ah, so tasty! How can it be so delicious?]

[If you don’t lose it, you don’t lose it: As long as you don’t think of it as a worm, it’s actually delicious ...]

[Paper Moon: Although it looked disgusting when it was alive, it actually doesn’t look so bad once it’s cooked! It tastes great with the scrambled eggs!]

The ragworm’s naturally sweet taste had absorbed the flavor of the scrambled eggs. And because of the tenderness and juiciness of it, when you chew it, it was like there was a burst of sweet and savory juice filling your entire mouth. You could just imagine how delicious it tasted. Because it is mixed with eggs it didn’t even look much like worms anymore. Many of the viewers who wanted to have a taste, would take a bit of the ragworm with the scrambled eggs and eat it with their eyes closed. However, afterwards, they couldn’t help but want to taste more!

These bugs ... Oh, they’re really delicious!


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