Way of the Knights

Chapter 520 - A Maiden's Invitation


Raven was confused. He didn\'t really understand what all of that was about. 

At first he thought that he\'s about to experience something magical but it turned out to be a disappointment. Specially the last one…

At least on the first two he felt something but for the last one, he directly lost consciousness. He didn\'t feel anything at all. It was incredibly disappointing. However, there\'s nothing he can really do.

"Well, all things considered, I did benefit already when I broke through. I guess I\'m just unlucky or they didn\'t feel that I was worthy or something. Meh, I guess. Whatever." He shrugged and surveyed his surroundings once more. 

"Ooh! There\'s the exit. Time to get out of here." He murmured as he walked towards the doors. 

Aside from that three chalices earlier, there\'s really nothing else on this room. Raven has no reason to stay so it\'s time for him to leave this place. 

As he approached the door, it automatically opened for him which was neat. He then stepped out of it and arrived at the same cave where the deacon took him earlier. As soon as he stepped outside, he was greeted by the dumbfounded guards who\'s staring at his face as if there\'s something wrong with it. 

Raven raised a brow and asked: "Uh, what\'s wrong?"

"L-lord, you are…" One of the guards stuttered. Raven frowned at the way this guy referred to him. He could still remember how these guards couldn\'t care less about his existence earlier yet now they refer to him this way. 

Something\'s wrong here. 

"What\'s going on? Did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble?" He asked for clarifications. 

The guards looked at each other, not entirely sure what to do. Their reactions were seriously bothering Raven. 

"N-no, you aren\'t in t-trouble. I-It\'s just…" 

Raven frowned and was starting to get annoyed so he repeated: "It\'s just?"

"We are extremely humbled by your presence, Young Lord." 

A new voice echoed within the cave. Raven looked forward and saw a silhouette of a woman with kingdom-toppling beauty and grace, walking towards him. 

She was wearing a deep maroon colored robes which is a sign that she\'s a personnel of the sect. She has a long black hair which draped behind her like a waterfall, her skin was as pure as an unblemished white jade and her figure could cause men to be driven insane. An aura of grace and nobility surrounded her entire body, her crystal clear eyes were studying Raven while an imperceptible smile was present on her face. 

The way she walked was enchanting, each sway of her hips were hypnotizing. Some of the guards even had to pinch their leg in order to awaken from this beautiful yet dangerous scene. 

Raven was immune to her charm, he had seen plenty of women who possess beauty the could ruin a country during his previous life and even in his current one. If anything, instead of being charmed, he\'s more alarmed by thus woman since he could tell that she\'s ridiculously strong. 

As the woman arrived meter inches away from him, she gave him a deep salute which greatly surprised Raven as well as the guards present. What\'s even more shocking is that the guards actually followed her lead and similarly saluted Raven as well. 

In his surprise, Raven involuntarily stepped closer and helped the woman up, saying: "I don\'t believe I deserve such form of respect from you Senior. If anything, I am rather confused about what\'s happening."

The woman seemed to be rather surprised by this but she merely just smiled and replied: "My, I do apologize if my actions were a little hasty. I am merely overjoyed, that\'s all."

"I can certainly answer your questions, but I do believe that this is not a place for us to talk." The woman then waved her delicate arms and a portal opened out of nowhere. She then faced Raven and said:

"This way please." She then gestured towards the portal, wanting Raven to go through it. 

If he\'s being honest, he couldn\'t help but feel hesitant about this. He wanted to contact Henry first in order to find out what\'s going on but…

In the end, Raven just nodded and walked through the portal. From what he could see using his ocular technique, the woman had no ill intent on any of her actions, plus his instincts didn\'t give any signs that he\'s in danger. 

He figured that since he\'s looking for answers anyway, he might as well take her up on her invitation. 

The woman showed a blossoming smile as she saw Raven walking through the portal. She wan intent to let him go first so he did. 

As the woman was about to enter the portal as well, she left a voice transmission for the guards.

\'This matter says here, understood?\' 

She didn\'t even wait for them to answer as she disappeared and the portal closed behind her, leaving the guards feeling somewhat surreal but also frightened. 


When his vision adjusted to the view, Raven was surprised to see that he arrived in a massive palace. 

He took a quick glance at his surroundings and nearly mistaken it as paradise. This place was the exact opposite of Tartarus. 

The air was pure and clean, the sun could be seen shining it\'s rays above, the whole place is covered in flora and fauna, Raven could even see forest animals nearby as well heard the chirping of the birds. 

At first, he thought that this was just an illusion but soon he realized that no, none of this were illusions. It was real, all of it. His ocular technique won\'t lie to him. 

His currently standing inside a massive hall, decorated with all sorts of unique trinkets. Energy here was thick and pure. Cultivating in this environment will yield twice the results with half the effort.

Raven then felt the woman arriving shortly after him. He then faced her but she merely walked past him and walked towards the nearby table. The woman gestured at him and Raven followed. 

Once he sat down, the woman was already pouring tea for him. She handed him a plate with the teacup on and said: "Tea, Young Lord. Made out the essence of Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum which is about fifty thousand years old and honey from an Empress Bee, all of which are steeped in Equinox Waters. I hope it\'s your liking."

Raven was alarmed when she stated those ingredients. Each one of those will fetch a sky-high price outside and even within the sect. 

To summarize, this teacup is probably worth about at least 1.5 million Merit Points. 

Raven swallowed hard and asked warily: "This…this is for me?"

"Yes, Young Lord." The woman nodded and smiled warmly at him. 

Raven smiled wryly and thought: \'Now I just hope I really am the one this woman thinks I am, or else she\'ll charge me for this or worse, turn me into her slave. Here\'s goes nothing I guess.\'

He then took a sip of the tea and immediately felt as if he was floating. The aroma, the taste and not to mention all of the good effects that this tea will bring him was all an unexpected benefit. 

He felt warmth coursing through his body, the circulation of his energies were smoother and faster, his blood flow was in a similar state, his mind turned crystal clear and many more. All of this, was just from a single sip of this tea. It can be said that this is the taste of wealth. 

"Good tea!" Raven uttered with a heartfelt praise. 

The smile on the woman\'s face blossomed even more, without a doubt, if Raven wanted to, she\'d be more than happy give him a refill. 

However, Raven was through all the courtesies and wanted to answers, so he could only drop all pretenses and ask: 

"Okay, I really think It\'s about time for us to move-on to more important matters." Raven stated. 

The woman wasn\'t surprised, she merely nodded, placed the tea set on the table and sat in front of him. 

"Then, allow me to introduce myself." She began, "My name is Kyrie Valentine, one of the Battle Maids and a servant from the House of Zeus."

"House of Zeus…" Raven muttered, "Zeus…that name again. The chalice said that he\'s the King of Gods, Ruler of the Skies, Lord of Thunder and Lightning as well as the Forefather of the sect. Is this the same Zeus you are referring to?"

Hearing how Raven described Zeus caused Kyrie to feel jubilant as she nodded eagerly and replied: "Yes. Forefather Zeus is our source of worship. The House of Zeus is specifically made to honor him as well as to fulfil the vow that Forefather made eons ago."

Despite receiving some kind of explanation, Raven was still feeling a little unsatisfied. He still have many questions to ask but for now, he thought that he should take it nice and slow. To do this, he started by asking:

"Okay. So what does the House of Zeus wants from me?" 

Kyrie sputtered a lovely giggle and said: "You surely jest, Young Lord. What else can it be aside from being a Lord?"

"Excuse me?"

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