The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 117 - Three Wishes (Slightly 18+)

{This chapter might be a little NSFW at the end, so if you don\'t want to see that, go down to the part where the mc is about to make his second wish and then skip to the next chapter where all the wishes will be summarized}


Meanwhile, back in the church, while the two angels battle it out, everyone else was looking at me awkwardly with questioning glares, yet I did not mind them a single glance. I was more immersed in what was happing in my mind, and the battle fluctuations I could see with my divine eyes.

The church was considered quite close to the eastern coast compared to the rest of the country, while the academy was the closest. From the center of the city to the coast and outer regions of the city was about a 150 to a 200-mile radius, and we were about 16 miles away from the coast, yet I could see fluctuations that had come from hundreds of miles away.

I had a feeling that if the city was even 20 miles closer, it would have been decimated. The fluctuations constantly caused tsunami\'s barely stopped by the slowly self-repairing barrier and a force of humans trying to use what seemed to be pure mana, also known as arcane magic, to block the tsunami\'s or at least weaken them. There were many things put in place to weaken the waves and make the waters around the city as still as a lake, yet if the city would have been at least 20 miles closer, those functions would have been completely overpowered by both the fluctuations and the waves being sent our way, therefore failing to weaken the waves and destroying at least have the city simultaneously.

Yet, while I gave 75% of my concentration to watching the fluctuations of the battle, at the back of my mind, a single string of sentences echoed and echoed in my mind.

-"I Almost died"-

-"If she was a second later, would I have died again?"-

-"I am so weak"-

-"I am pathetic"-

-"What if I died?"-

-"What would have happened to me?"-

They kept repeating in my head, over and over again, allowing me to completely tune out the words of everyone behind me.

After a minute or so, I finally felt a nudge on my shoulder, causing me to jump in surprise due to me being so deep in thought. But, unbeknownst to me, something in my eyes had changed. It wasn\'t the physical, or visible, but rather the feeling one would get from it. I always stood tall, not fearing anything in front of me, but now that I was put in a situation where I had felt fear, dread, and helplessness for the first time in this world, it shook me up. Yet even then, it felt like a wake-up call. It had snapped me back to reality. This was no longer some game that I could play and level up through, just to die and respawn, this is real life.

This is no longer a fantasy from one of my dreams, but a life with people who care for me, resent me, or don\'t care about my existence at all. I was simply an ant, blessed by something I was about to throw away without regard. I was blessed with another life, a life where I could reconcile and live a life that I constantly wished for back on earth. Yet when I had gotten it, I was about to throw it away?

I was reckless, stupid, and dumb when dealing with the situation. I could have simply not said anything. I was too trusting. My child-like excitement had gotten the better of me. I thought that I had finally found someone like me, but there was simply no one in this world that could relate to the way I feel and the way I will live. I wanted a friend, and even though I say that I don\'t need friends, back on earth it was the only thing that had kept me alive. People who care for me just as much as I care for them.

But, in the end, friends hurt you. They are a weakness. Trying to make friends with Jack had gotten me into this predicament. Having a church loving father had gotten me in this predicament. My mother\'s obsession with marriage and good family status is only going to make my life worse. Having a loving sister will only hurt more when she has to leave. Having brothers forced me to come here in the first place. And even now, all these connections will only prove to become more painful to keep, so, what is the point of keeping them? Why shouldn\'t I just cut them all?

-"No connections means no losses. If you get rid of the weakness you can become stronger"-

\'That\'s right. I can, right? I can become stronger if I cut them all off, yet why am I hesitating? Without power, I am nothing...\' I clenched my fist tighter while gritting my teeth

"PANDORA!" Shouted Jack right into my face, waking me up from my stooper.

"WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU WANT!?" I roared back, causing them all to take a step back.

Slowly, drops of a red liquid dripped from my lightly clenched fist, falling to the floor and staining it.

"What was that cat saying? Why are there two deities here? TALK TO ME PANDORA! are they where you got your powers from? Did they bless you? Why did it get angry all of a sudde-"

"I DON\'T F*CKING KNOW OKAY!" I barked back with my tightly clenched fist-shaking ever so slightly while my gums began to bleed, just to be repaired before any blood could come out.

"HOW! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW! THEY KNEW YOU! ANSWER ME OR I\'LL HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO THE EMPIRE\'S GENERAL\'S MYSELF!" He grabbed my trembling arms, however, the next second, he was brought to his knees.

A little confused, my eyes darted around the room while I turned my head frantically, trying to find out who did had made the Major General kneel so easily.

"Do not worry young one. He is only unconscious" A melodic voice sounded in my ears, causing them to perk up before turning my head and looking at who spoke. The angelic figure slowly descended from the ceiling, causing my eyes to widen a little

\'That isn\'t teleportation, but rather, it\'s a form of dimensional magic where she makes a gate way instead of teleporting herself.\' I quickly analyzed.

"I have to say, after not getting into a battle for so many years, I was quite rusty when fighting that untamed cat. Good thing I\'m pretty strong haha" The woman laughed heartily while he breasted danced up and down with every breath she took in.

"Anyway, I\'m sorry about the little guy. He is not supposed to interfere with mortal realm matters even if it is about the matter of talking to the heavens. Father had asked me to properly punish anyone who dares break the rule, so I used a couple of my Duke ranked spells and locked him up in a torture prison" She laughed again before calming herself and continuing "But as an apology, I\'d like to grant you any three wishes that you might want. Of course, only if I can do them."

"What are you, a Genie?" I tried to make a joke, but it ended in only me solemnly laughing in self-deprecation and self-loath.

"No, I am not a Genie. If that was I was, I\'d probably be trying to steal your soul right about now, but that isn\'t important for now. Quickly state your wishes so I can go" She waved her hand a little.

"Sure... Uhm, I wish for more wishes" I replied with a forced smile, yet my answer had caused her to smack me lightly on the head.

"I need serious wishes."

"Okay okay"

Thinking for a little longer, I opened my mouth to state my first wish.

"I want you to wipe their memories out" I pointed a finger at Olivia, the priest, and Jack.

"Fully?" She asked back with worry

"No, not fully. But of all the events that have occurred in the last hour or so. I want them unconscious and in the carriage by the time they wake up." I asked.

"Since those are mediocre wishes, I\'ll count all that as one wish." she smiled before waving her hand, sending them all into a slumber and making Jack and Olivia disappear.

"Next" She voiced again cheerfully while sitting down gracefully on a statue\'s head. I couldn\'t help but check her out a little, taking a peek under the cloth yet finding nothing since she had kept her legs pressed together.

She had realized I had tried to peep which for some reason made her chuckle a little. Unbeknownst to me, she was thinking that what I had done was a little cute, and since she already know that I had been reincarnated, she already knew I was male at heart. Yet with all that information, she decided to part her legs a little.

Immediately, I was excited, yet when I was going to take a proper peep, she closed her legs completely.


She smiled back at me in a look of victory while I glared at her venomously. If looks could kill, she would have been dead a thousand times.

\'She\'s teasing me... Wait... She said any wish, right?\'

A smile of victory quickly stretched across my face, from ear to ear, looking a little creepy to the woman in front of me, before she finally realized what she had done. Teasing me like that was the biggest mistake of her life, and she was about to repent hard for it.

"My second wish is... Open your legs, wide, for 3 minutes-" Even though I had said this, she seemed to be not too bothered, well, she acted extremely bothered, but I knew she wasn\'t too bothered by what I had said. It was just a feeling.

\'Even if I activate divine eyes, I might see through her clothes, but I will also see through her skin, muscles, bones, and maybe even body, leaving nothing but her mana channels and her soul flame to see. Therefore, I have to make sure this wish is correct in every way.\' I quickly thought before adding "And make sure there is nothing covering my view, and that unludes lothes, hands, underwear, etc." I smiled again, yet this time her face had turned into one of devastation.

"I AM NOT DOING THAT" She snapped back while turning away with a small blush

"Oh? Is an almighty diety breaking a deal?" I gave an exaggerated gasp before tsk-ing at her as if I was extremely disappointed, not to say I wasn\'t.

"NO! Choose anything else! POWER! CULTIVATION MANUALS! MATERIAL ART TECHNIQUES! I CAN EVEN GIVE YOU RELICS!" She shouted back while covering her chest and lower areas as if my eyes were scrutinizing her body even with her clothes on.

"The humiliation of a naked woman with so much dignity will make my day so much better! You know I had to fight a mob of humans, a dumbass, and his assassin group, I had to deal with shitty nobles and no good alcohols in the last 2 days? And even then, for the last 6 years of my life, I had to live without any internet! So you better get flashing before I ask for a much worse wish or increase the time you have to do this for" I snapped back.

"I\'m still not doing it" she replied sternly

"So much for a diety and angel. I thought at least an angel would keep its promise, but apparently, angels are no better than humans" I muttered dejectedly, making her frown before continuing "Even humans are better, since most of them at least keep their side of the deal"

I could see her visibly trembling in anger while a vein bulged on her forehead

making her reluctantly take off her panties before lifting her cloth clothes while looking away.

"I said spread, not lift! Quickly crouch down to the floor and spread your legs wide! You are more than a thousand years old for f*ck\'s sakes, get a hold of yourself! It\'s not like you are a virgin" I instructed, causing her to reluctantly spread her legs wide, giving me a view of the full of what was under. The view was fantastic, a lot more real than what I used to see on those sketchy websites. Honestly, it looked like the most beautiful thing I\'ve ever seen, yet it aroused me like no other

\'Maybe I can ask for sex as my last wish\' I chuckled pervertedly

However, a scene had flashed in my divine eyes, that made my eyes widen in shock.

"Y-you\'re a virgin..." I asked hesitantly, causing her to flush beet red.

"How long?" she asked dejectedly

"2 and a half more minutes. don\'t worry, I\'m enjoying this" I said with a chuckle before going back to enjoying the sight. while she tried to close her legs more, just for me to insult the entire diety race.

At one point, I had tried to reach out and touch her parts, just to get slapped and told it wasn\'t part of the plan.

She kept thinking to herself \'I\'m only doing this for my honor as a diety. Nothing more! That\'s right! Nothing more!\'

2 and a half minutes later, Golden letters flashed in my retina

[A title had been blessed upon entity -Atlas-]

[Entity -Atlas- has received the title -Humiliator of Deities-]

[Effects of the title -Humiliator of Deities- :

-Deities will have an innate fear towards you

-10% less favored by deities

-100% more intimidating to all races

-5% chance to tame any creature, whether that is a god or an ant, after humiliating them.

-30% more attractive

-Shape-shifting ability (SEALED)

-Divine knowledge -Guide to humiliation- has been imparted onto you]


The moment I saw the notification, I had completely lost it. Yes, I might be in an extremely bad mood, yes I might be thinking about my life choices, but in a time of crisis like this, it is best to laugh and I had found a good reason to.

"STOP LAUGHING! YOU ARE LUCKY YOU EVEN GOT TO SEE THIS ANGELS HOLY PLACE" she harrumphed angrily, yet the next moment, I could see a wet substance dripping to the floor.

\'Don\'t tell me...\'

"You\'re a masochist?" I asked

"WHAT! NO!" She shouted, causing the entire church to rumble

\'And to think we are doing this in a church\' I thought to myself while turning a little red at the sight.

"So you wouldn\'t mind if I-"


Slapping her across the face, I felt my hand immediately turn numb while simultaneously hearing a moan coming from her side whole more liquids dripped.

"You know the time has been long over, right? Yet you still want to go?" I moved in a little, this time touching her inner thigh and getting closer to her ears before whispering "Do you, want to go have a go?\'

Not once in my life had I thought that I would do this to such a hot woman, but no I was seducing even an angel! A divine entity!

"Y-yes p-please" She dejectedly replied turning more flushed than she was before and finally letting go of her lust.

[You affinity to -Lust- has increased]

"Well..." I started to move dangerously close to her holy place "can you deal with the consequences?" I grinned

"Y-yes! yes, I can, so please, give me a go" she whimpered, making me more turned on. However, my grin only grew larger.

"Then, you must satisfy yourself on your own" I chuckled whole moving away, causing her to widen her eyes and exclaim a large "HUH?!"

"You heard what I said..." I muttered while walking towards the exit with slow steps

"WAIT! YOU SAID YOU WILL HAVE A GO AT ME" She shouted before uttering "keep your promise! Where is your honor?"

"First of all, I have no honor. Secondly, I\'d just like to say that, even though you might think I didn\'t give you my side of the deal, I did, since after all I did have a go at you"

"No you didn\'t! Are you not a man! Come here right now-"

"Do I look like a man to you?" I snickered and replied "-and to your first comment, this was having a go at you. You tried to tease me, yet look at where that had gotten you. This is how you truly tease someone. I\'ll see you later then. Bye~" I waved with a bright smile, yet my words made her lose her balance, fall back and finally close her legs.

"W-wait! You have one more wish left!" She tried to get my attention, yet all she got was a side glance and "Oh, I do have one more, right?"

She nodded quickly with child-like excitement which kind of turned me off.

"Then how about this... Give me something to contact you, and whenever I\'m in the mood, I\'ll cash in on the wish" I winked at her

As those words echoed in her ears, I could visibly see the glow in her eyes dim, while the jubilant excitement she had was no more.

"So you won\'t do me Tonight?" She asked, with puppy eyes

"No, but maybe another day" A flash of purple shone in my eyes sending what seemed like a pleasurable shiver down her spine since her eyes did roll back for a second.

"Okay here" She muttered while clothing her exposed self and summoning a marble which I could only say looked like a mega-evolution stone. I quickly snatched the marble off her hands, before walking away with a-

"Okay bye~"

I paid the dejected woman no more attention, but I was sure she would remember this day, or maybe even imagine it whenever she felt turned on.

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