My Hollywood System

Chapter 210:

Chapter 210:

“Dream Vision has grown a lot. From the way it started, it has come a long journey, I mean, [Catch Me If You Can] is on its way to crossing 100 million dollars. It’s like they’ll never fail this way, not this project but any project that Will Evans puts his hand or mind,”

“Ah, who says? It’s just beginner’s luck. You yourself just said that they are a new company, and if we really think in a larger context of Hollywood, they are barely starting,”

“Well, I disagree with my own words, just see the numbers and you’d have a totally different view on this–”

“Nah, Will Evans is just very innovative and is setting up trends that are somehow well-received by the public. Quick successes always sum up to quick downfalls. Will Evans would fall sooner or later,”

Hearing the two reporters talk among themselves, another person joined their conversation. All of them were from the same company.

“Well, I agree with both of you. But even if Will was going to fall, he would be one of the most popular people in Hollywood and well, I missed such a huge opportunity, and that’s like a massive loss for me,” Reporter 3 quiped with a disappointed look.

The other two reporters were slightly surprised by hearing what he was saying.

At the end, when reporter 3 sighed loudly, one among them couldn’t help but ask what it was about.

“What do you mean by a wasted opportunity?” Reporter 1 asked.

“You had a chance to act in a big movie or what? Don’t tell me you got an offer from a porno?” Reporter no. 2 asked, making everyone laugh.

“I wish, but no, that’s not it. It’s just when [The Blair Witch Project] was getting a lot of coverage and when Will started Dream Vision, Will was doing some interviews, back then. And I remember how Will Evans sat right in front of me, yet I didn’t give much thought nor tried to get to know him better, because well… Obviously I wasn’t aware how he’d grow at such a rapid pace,” The reporter 3 sighed again with a shrug which showed, ‘I’m disappointed at myself too’.

The others laughed hearing his story.

“That’s totally understandable, you wouldn’t have known even if someone betted on Will at the time, considering it was a smooth way to the top. Don’t feel bad about it, at least you get to feel bad knowing Will was in front of you, but reporters like us don’t have such a story,” Another person chirped in.

“Ah! Forget about it, the more I think about it, the more it feels I should have talked with Will trying to give the dude an exposure,”

The three reporters who were talking among themselves were from a very big media company. It was popular among the Americans as it was a company which gave out every little spicy news of Hollywood, weekly. Thus, it was named ‘Hollywood Weekly’.

Regardless of the cliche name, the company itself made billions of profits within months. And it was all thanks to the dramas and scandals that were sold among the fans which were made by the reporters, and some were true stories.

The company controlled a lot of public opinion of Hollywood stars thanks to its reach.

“If it makes you feel any better, yes you should have,” Reporter 2 said in disbelief.

The talk continued on while they were travelling in a mini-van, and the words and sentences were all about Will Evans and Dream Vision.

“Is Will going to be at the New York Gaming convention?” An intern reporter who was among the experienced men questioned his doubt since the talk was all about Will.

“Yeah, I heard about it. It’s rumoured everywhere but take it with a grain of salt. Many people think that Will is very busy in the editing of [Spiderman] and checking up on CGI. It’s believable considering it’s his biggest movie after all,” Reporter 2 said looking at the intern.

“There’s a possibility for him to join.”

“Why?” The intern asked reporter 3.

“Since EC games are going to release their next batch of games at the convention, everyone knows that GTA is confirmed to be a part of it. So, it’d only make sense if Will joined the convention and gave some publicity to it,” the Reporter replied.

At the Gaming Convention, [GTA Vice City] trailer and its gameplay was going to be revealed. EC Games had worked on the game for months in a partnership with Dream Vision.

EC Games was a company which ought to be one of the leading gaming companies in the world. Nevertheless, due to the downfall, they secured a deal with Dream Visions. With the hope that things would get better, they had worked harder and were sincere about this game that was about to be released at the gaming convention.

Ethan Silva had also confirmed that he would attend the convention as he contributed to the game as the voice actor.

Although not much was revealed to the public, a lot of people were assuming that it was going to be another movie game which would turn out to be a disaster.

“Well, I just think that it might not go as they expect it to. Many movie games turn shit anyway, and it’s become a tradition for the studios to release one and then enjoy its downfall,” Reporter 3 said in annoyance.

“You’re always grumpy even if it’s good news, but this time I should agree with you too, rarely a good gaming movie would release, so it’s only fair for everyone to assume this might turn bad as they expect,” Reporter 2 agreed.

“Will Evans is an unconventional man, he wouldn’t invest in something while his eyes are closed, I have hope as a fan of gaming movies, trust me when I say, even if the movie is shit, you’d see me with my son on the first screening—” Reporter 1 had a whole different story.

The only reason that the reporters from ‘Hollywood Weekly’ were even attending the convention was that it was the very first time that Dream Vision had invested in a game.

And the reporters themself attended the event because they were prone to check the rumour which went on as ‘Anything with the name Dream Vision sells’.


“60,000 attendees, 200 vendors, a several million dollar investment… This is the industry surrounding what could be called the most immersive art form of all the video games… Among gamers, programmers and electronic sports enthusiasts, we can see famous gaming MeTubers Kylie and Van Jose, walking inside the Gaming Expo 2013, looking like they are really enjoying themselves.” A man holding a microphone in front of the camera said and turned to look at the couple who was grinning from ear to ear.

“This is crazy! Walking in, I never thought such a world existed before, and gotta say… This is some real shi– can I cuss on TV? Oh shit!” Jose laughed at his own joke.

“This- this is crazy, yeah, see ya inside!” Jose’s girlfriend muttered while walking inside the Gaming Expo.

The inside was filled with purple, red, black, dark blue and every other dark colour which looked like an inside version of a gamer’s bedroom. But every corner of the hall was filled with different kinds of games.

Video games to mobile games—and computer games to VR games. Every game was available to try on in different stalls which were filled with crazy people who do crazy things.

“Hello guys! Welcome to our MeTube channel, and as you can see, we are already inside the Gaming Expo, 2013, this was the first time we both came here after getting into gaming since last year. And not to mention, this entire place is something that feels like home to gamers like us! If you wanna meet us, join the venue, you know where it is held and oh— Kylie already found indie games that she’s interested in. Come and have fun here!” Jose talked to the little camera lens which was brought by their cameraman.

“Fuck this is so great! I’m going to go to my gaming site, keep an eye on her— or wait, just go and enjoy! Today is your day off…. But, after sharing the video,” Jose said and walked away while patting the shoulder of the cameraman who continued to complete his work which was assigned because there were too many places to be at the same time in the same venue, and this was a once in a lifetime experience for him.

But both he and Kylie decided to go to the EC games announcement.

People were scattered everywhere, and some sat in the spot where EC games were doing the announcement of their upcoming games.

Although not many people were present at the location, they had just announced two new games for the next year.

Arnold, who was the head of EC Studio walked up to the stage, wearing a black suit which made his personality appear sharper. Nevertheless, the reason he was on the stage was to make the final announcement of the day.

“I know you all are waiting for the announcement that we teased in a movie last year–”

As he said that, a huge cheer erupted from the crowd. Many people started to gather at the place where the announcement was being made.

“Woohooooooooo!” “Yes! That’s it!” “C’mon! Give it!” Different encouraging words were heard as they were waiting for this moment.


“Booooooo!” People made a displeasing sound.

“I feel like I’m not the appropriate person to make this announcement. Everyone, Will Evans!”

As soon as Arnold announced his name, the focus was shifted to the corner of the little stage where Will was already waiting. The audience went silent in surprise

The reporters who had their mics ready to report about the new video game which was sponsored by none other than Dream Vision, went silent all of a sudden.

“The fucking rumour is true!” “Oh hello Will!” “Yesssssssss!”

Suddenly, a huge round of cheers, claps and voices went up making the tension of surprise cease away. The faces were plastered with smiles, excitement and little more excitement considering how Will Evans was in front of them.

Taking the microphone, Will walked to the front to face the audience.

Originally, the idea was that Will would not participate in the gaming expo. But as he knew how big GTA games were going to be, and how much impact they would have on the gaming community as a whole, he decided to join the little ceremony.

“Hello everyone, ladies and gentlemen, so good to see you all!” The crowd applauded once again. “Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I wanted to talk a bit about how well people have embraced [Liberty City] and how it was a movie which is very dear to my heart. With the movie being released, the idea of GTA came…Just like that. And, when I thought of everyone experiencing the world of GTA, not as viewers but as players… I knew I had to make this a reality,” Will said while the crowd cheered again.

The initial people who had gathered on the spot were now multiplied by at least seven the number there was. And the cheers just kept getting louder.

“With that, I present to you the trailer of the newest gaming sensation all the video gamers would be impatient to play and experience… [GTA: Vice City!]” Will said, and the trailer of the game rolled on the huge screen behind him, and silence descended throughout the huge hall.


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