Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 501

–Aegir POV–

Another two or three spears fell and, just as the giant spiders rolled over in agony to try and remove the spears stabbed in them, the eastern army rushed in .

「Chargeeee! Eh, now that I see them up close, they’re really big!」

「I can’t believe spiders the size of cows exist......」

「Get ‘em while they’re faltering from the throwing . Or rather, if we don’t finish them before they stand up, we’ll be in deep shit!」

Soldiers run in a horizontal line and utilize the momentum to thrust their spears, then others jump in and cut the spiders’ legs with swords .

A few spiders struggle and knock down soldiers, but they suffer a concentrated volley from crossbows, which cause them to reel, and are quickly killed off .

「I’m impressed that they’re not hesitating despite seeing these spiders for the first time . 」

We were informed of the enemy raid right as the eastern army arrived so I didn’t have time to check their skill and composition, but I’m glad they aren’t a bunch of second-rates .

「There’s something weirder than the spiders . This thing......what is it?」

「Who knows . All I know is that it’s long, big, and clearly dangerous!」

I automatically looked down at my crotch but realized the soldier was referring to something else and followed his line of sight to where a worm was .

This one is one size smaller than the one I defeated, around five meters long, and is in the middle of multiple wiggling two-meter worms .

The soldier tosses a torch in the center of the worms .

The worms shifted their bodies slightly to avoid the fire, but they’re not wild dogs and can’t be repelled that easily .


That fire is only a mark .

Archers positioned in the rear use the fire as a guide to rain down arrows .

Worms that are merely oversized earthworms have no way to figure that out .

Flaming arrows pour on the heads of those simply chasing after the soldiers in front of them .

「Yes, bullseye!」

「I’ll treat those guys my special――wait!!」

The arrows which were supposed to turn the worms into pin cushions dropped to the ground .

They didn’t miss . After hitting the surface of the worms’ bodies, they slipped off......in other words, they didn’t pierce through .

The sound of the soldiers’ disbelief and the bending backward of the worm’s body was simultaneous .

A bang echoed from the ground being struck . The worm swung its body forward like a whip toward the soldier .

He raised a shield in response, but that puny thing could not hope to block the giant whip of flesh and he was mercilessly smashed and spread across the ground .

Short shrieks followed .

The other small worms also began their assault on the rest of the soldiers .

Some were slammed to the ground, some were wrapped up and had their limbs broken, and others were bit by the wicked circular mouths and got their faces torn off .

「They don’t move very fast! Defeat them with spears before they get close!」

「Swords or arrows can’t pierce their skin! They’re bouncing off even though their skin isn’t hard, it’s unbelievably thick!」

「Don’t take your eyes off the stupidly large one!! Uwaaaaaah!!」

The soldiers who put up a good fight against the spiders suddenly start to become flustered .

It’s understandable . No matter how powerful an opponent, if defeated, morale can be maintained .

On the contrary, if attacks are ineffective, soldiers will lose hope regardless of the actual state of battle or sacrifices .

I thrust my sword into the head of a spider before running .

「It’s hard to fight with you clinging to me . How about retreating to the back?」

The female knight attached to me shakes her head vehemently .

Fine then . If I can’t fight with a woman hanging off of me, I can’t call myself a real...... completing that thought is dangerous . I’ll stop there .

I run into the midst of the worms and the disorganized soldiers and shout .

「Calm down . Their skin is just a little thick . So slashes don’t work . 」

When a two meter worm happens to bound toward me, I punch its head, knocking it to the ground before I steal the shield of a nearby soldier .

「Then you just have to bash them . 」

I raise the greatshield and swing it down at the center of the worm’s torso .

Its upper end thrashes as I feel the insides of the worm get crushed and it eventually stops moving .

「Di-did it die......?」

One of the soldiers mumbles .

You can tell by looking . These disgusting things are still living creatures so they’ll obviously die if you destroy their internal organs .

「Whack the worms with war hammers or mallets . If you don’t have them, a shield of the butt of a spear will do . If you don’t have those, hurl rocks and then stomp on them . Now go!」

The female knight screams and pulls my hair after I encourage the soldiers .

「Oh . 」

I rapidly turn on the spot and throw the shield into the mouth of the giant worm that targeted my back .

The shield is sucked into the middle of its circular mouth, chipping teeth, slicing flesh, and causing the worm to waver .

Not letting the opportunity pass, I leap in with a two-handed grip on my Dual Crater and slice the worm in half, then vertically cut the falling head in midair .

I know I said earlier that slashes don’t work, but my Dual Crater seems to be able to cut through them .

Jealous? Too bad, I’m not giving it to anyone .

A group of what appeared to be supply soldiers came rushing in from behind .

Not only did they bring spare arrows and bolts, they also brought hammers used in sieges .

「Pretty quick response . 」

His name was Dingus, I think? His ability was also unknown, but he seems competent enough to deal with unexpected situations .

Soldiers form lines of spears and use swords to fight off the spiders, while they strike the worms with hammers and use shields or rocks to repeatedly crush them when they’re stunned .

At a glance, our allies are fighting quite well .

A few here or there were instantly killed by the enemy, putting a dent in our forces, but for the most part, it was the enemy side that continuously decreased .

「The advantage in numbers is significant . 」

Although the giant spiders seemed to cover every inch of the ground, it was merely the effect of the darkness of night and the size of each individual creature . If you look at it calmly, there are only about 2000 of them . There are even fewer worms, probably less than 500 .

Obviously, a small squad is helpless if they encounter such a herd of monsters, but the eastern army is 15 000 men strong .

If five people fight each spider and ten people fight each worm, they can handle all the monsters with ease .

「I wasn’t sure we would make it at one point, but we’ve somehow subdued them . 」

Seeing no need to get involved further, I sheathe my sword .

Against human opponents, I wouldn’t mind another battle, but fighting these things make me feel worse .

As the frontlines were pushed fairly far up, I can see Celia, Myla, and Leopolt .

Normally, Celia would be scolding me, but with all the spider corpses, she’ll likely cling to me pale-faced......except she realizes the girl on my back, and tries to pull her off, to which the female knight responds by gripping tighter .

「What evil abominations......and what tremendous numbers . 」

Myla continued to stare at the battlefield with a frightened expression .

I believe she hasn’t seen a giant spider before, so her reaction is rather natural .

「I used to think spiders were helpful insects that ate flies and aphids, but I’ve changed my mind . From now on, I’ll crush them as soon as I see them . 」

Sekrit states in a repulsed tone as she kicks a twitching spider corpse .

The sword in her prosthetic hand and the purple juice on her body tells me she has defeated a few herself .

Then there’s Leopolt .

He’s still emotionless in a place like this, brushing aside Myla and Sekrit so he can get to me, meaning the situation must be dire .

「Lord Hardlett, do you know anything about this monster?」

「I’ve seen them before . However, I don’t know much detail nor why they are on the surface . 」

Leopolt nods .

「Then let’s gather those who know something . Please bring anybody, friend or foe, who knows what’s going on . 」

I nod back at him .

The battle is already in the clean-up phase .

Although we aren’t able to get them all to flee because they’re bugs, with their numbers reduced by that much, they won’t be able to regain their strength .

But the female knight on my back doesn’t stop trembling at all and tugs my hair .

「We have to run, if we don’t run......」

「Fufu, you’re alright now . Because it’ll be a disaster if those things scatter, we have to exterminate as many of them as possible here . 」

I comfort the woman and stroke her hair, slipping my hand into a crack of her armor and rubbing her thigh while I’m at it, but she violently brushes me away .

Mmm, even though I’m part of the enemy army in her eyes, I risked my life to fight those insects, so you could at least let me touch your leg .

「No...... that’s not it...... that, that......」

The female knight points at a hill further east to the one we have set up camp at .

Does she want us to move?

「Aegir-sama, is that hill moving?」

Celia asks, straining her cute eyes at the mound .

Sekrit and Myla also squint, but it’s too dark for them to see anything .

Seconds of silence pass until a stray flaming arrow flies to the east .

It stabs into the ground, which seems to move closer to us .

「The ground......no, that’s......all of it is......」

「This is bad . 」

I couldn’t help saying my thoughts out loud .

Lots of giant spiders were sticking to the ridges and the base of the hill .

If we line up two-meter spiders along the ridges, that comes to 3000 . Since they go down to the base, there are at least 30 000 .

「Monsters on top of monsters......there are many layers overlapping!」

Celia is riding Myla’s shoulders .

If they’re overlapping, then it’s several times more than 30 000?

The refugees who felt temporary relief from being saved let out a cry of despair .

Fortunately, the allied soldiers are giving their all in fighting the enemies in front of them and have not realized yet .

「Well, now what?」

I jump on Schwartz and pull Celia on .

Even though I asked that, it’s clear we can only run .

There’s too many of them for us to match 1 to 5 . The difference in numbers is too great that skill and tactics don’t matter .

And then, my field of vision begins to brighten .

The soldiers’ expressions and the state of battle instantly becomes clearer .

The morning sun is peeking out from the mountain range to the east .

「Ah, the enemy stopped!」

The enemies trying to swarm us stopped moving .

Monsters that have piled on the hill wiggled in confusion briefly and then turned on their heels to leave to the south .

「They...... retreated?」

Myla and Celia dismount their horses .

I remain on Schwartz and continue staring at the enemy .

「It seems so . 」

The monsters engaged with our allied soldiers also seem to lose their desire to fight .

Most of the monsters that could not counterattack properly were defeated and the rest fled .

「The battle......is over?」

Celia says .

The refugees collapse on the spot, and some face the sun and chant something .

「What’s your name?」

I ask the woman who clung to me till the end .


That’s a nice name .

「Alright Rafaella . Bring your leader here . At this point, it doesn’t matter if we’re allies or enemies, don’t you think?」

At the very least, the captain and I can agree that we’re not insects and we won’t eat each other .

Rafaella nods but doesn’t move from my back .

「What are you doing? If you agree, then get off and bring him to me . 」

It’s funny seeing her squirm when Celia pokes her sides .

「......I don’t want to leave . I’ll guide you so please come with me . 」

Rafaella holds onto me with her arms and legs almost like a woman ready to accept a man’s ejaculation .

There is no time to argue so I do as Rafaella says and walk toward the center of the South Yuguria soldiers .

「Lord Hardlett, it’s dangerous by yourself . I think you should tell the eastern army what’s going on and march in with allies . 」

Myla warns as she keeps an eye on our surroundings .

「They’re the last ones to see the horde so I don’t think they’re going to kill other humans . Just beat the crap out of the crazy ones . 」

Time is precious .

The South Yuguria soldiers are either slumped over completely exhausted or standing still with a blank look after running out of willpower .

Occasionally, a few stare back when they notice me, but nobody raises their voice or their weapons .

「More importantly, I’ll get this girl off . I’ll aim for her sides!」

Rafaella leads me to a man sitting on the ground in spite of Celia’s interference .

「I’m Goldonia’s Aegir Hardlett . Are you the captain?」

The man and those in the vicinity look up together .

As a captain, he should be at least 20, but he appears much younger, and if I had to admit, rather immature .

「D-demon......kuh, no matter how weak we are, we are South Yuguria soldiers――」

One of the followers instinctively reaches for his sword, but I kick it away .

「Idiot, think about the situation . 」

I bark and then return my foot to the ground before looking at the man again .

Answer me . It’s because you, as the captain, didn’t say anything that your subordinate acted out .

「I am......not the captain . But I’m in command right now . 」

I see, the captain died .

Based on his tone, attitude and his inability to control his subordinate, this guy seems unreliable .

His eyes are unsteady and his voice is shaky .

The way he sometimes looks to his subordinates might be because he doesn’t know what to do and is asking for help .

I walk up rudely and grab the man’s head .

「First, let me tell you that we don’t plan to do anything to you guys . We know there are more important things to worry about . 」

Next, I slap his shoulder .

The man coughs, but maybe that will calm him down a bit .

「That’s why, if you don’t want to be destroyed together with us, tell us everything you know . Those monsters are not supposed to be here . 」

I speak to the man with my face close enough to his for our noses to touch .

After the man’s eyes dart left and right shortly, he resolves himself .

That’ll get him to talk .

「I am Rinuga . I am the vice captain of the Bagh fortress garrison army and commander of the cavalry of South Yuguria’s eastern army . We would normally be enemies, but it’s an emergency ......determining this is a situation related to humanity’s survival, I will offer information to Goldonia . 」

I didn’t need that long preamble, but at least he’s willing to talk .

「I-I thought he was going to kiss him......he has a delicate face so I thought Aegir-sama mistook him for a woman . 」

「It really makes your heart beat, huh......」

Celia and Myla exchange looks and sigh .

I’m disappointed about their conversation, but it’s a good thing that they are surprisingly relaxed enough to chat .

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett . 25 years old . Autumn .

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave . Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area . Mountain Legend .

Friend of the Dwarves . Friend of the King of Aless . Dragon Slayer Hero .

Elf Mediator . Sex King of White City . Mad Demon God . Golden Macho .

Enemy Army?

Rinuga (acting captain), Rafaella (back parasite)


Nonna (departure), Carla (departure), Mel (troubled departure), Leah (on a trip), Pipi (persuading Pochi), Miti (worried), Maria (worried), Catherine (cheating wife), Gretel (outing), Melissa (departure), Kuu (worried), Ruu (worried), Mireille (preparing for journey), Casie (4, 7 head figure), Rita (expedition maid), Yoguri (playwright), Alice (departure), Mother: Marceline (consultation), Daughters: Eldest – Stephanie (denied), Second – Bridget (agreed), Youngest – Felicie (either)

Sofia (encounter), Dorothea (in trouble), Claudia (naked), Clara (given up), Adela (encounter)

Celestina (reigning queen), Monica (mama attendant), Benel (coma)


Dingus (eastern army commander)

Celia (tickling), Myla (perplexed), Irijina (empty stomach), Luna (free)

Leopolt (staff officer, emergency), Tristan (staff officer, wants to go home), Yakov (emergency sortie), Gido (recuperating, resigned), Mack (emergency sortie), Christoph (independent from mother), Guigue (good and evil existing together)

Adolph (stressed), Sebastian (frugal), Marta (preparing for journey), Sally (cool attendant), Maruru (gentle attendant)

Jim (penniless), Suzy (additional consolation money), Solana (given up), Altair (founder), Remia (victim)


Sekrit (reserve corps), Ivanna (practising on her own), T-99 (frontlines, joined up), Brynhildr (calling), Natia (on an excursion), Felteris (orgy detour), Ijaris (disturbance sensed), Yularen (disturbance sensed)

Annette (free), Piris (insane, house arrest), Baroness Rukino Escaote (tie with Nonna), Seika (lost to Carla)

Busco (promoted), Gildress (training), Visitacion (confined home with child)


Lammy (hunch), Alraune (repropagating), Mirumi (hunch), Pochi (firm rejection), Messerschmitt​ (sleeping)

Tropical Smooth-scaled Monitor Lizard (chance), Schwartz (battle)


Army – Southern Goldonia (replenishing, emergency establishment)

Escort Unit: 43

Infantry: 3000

Cavalry: 400

Archers: 400

Cannoneers: 400

Bow Cavalry: 1000

105 Army Corps: 3700 (reorganization, break)

(war time, weapons are produced as necessary, being deployed)

Cannons: 45, Large Cannons: 23, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 18, Chariots: 38

Reinforcements / Allied Forces:

Eastern Army: 15 000 ⇒ 14 500

Elves: Black: 200, White: 200 (on an excursion)

God Altair’s Army: 1800 ⇒ 2000 (charity work, inviting)

Teries Fleet: Battleship Suvorov, Battleship Leviathan IV (temporary), Large Combat Ships: 3, Medium Combat Ships: 7 (in repair)


Assets: -75 000 gold

Sexual Partners: 804

Children who have been born: 70 + 567

Current Location: South of Kisatto, Hill Region

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