It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



And Hailee could breathe a sigh of relief after seeing a knowing smile on the middle- aged woman\'s lips. Looks like she\'s starting to understand how Ramon and Hailee interact with each other and it seemed really cute in her eyes.

"It\'s good if there\'s nothing ..." Lis sighed and took a tissue from the table, she then slowly wiped Hailee\'s tears. "I just don\'t want any trouble between the two of you. There\'s always trouble ahead of the wedding and you will be married in three days, so I\'m just a little worried."

"Nothing, really. Ramon is annoying at times, but I am used to that attitude of his," Hailee said, glancing at Ramon and watching the man respond by rolling his eyes, before he grabbed the television remote and turned on the news broadcast.

Lis then told Hailee and Ramon what Doctor Bram had told her.

And Ramon\'s request that was not granted to be treated at home, because it would be much safer if he was in a hospital with complete facilities.

Actually this was Lis\' suggestion that forced Doctor Bram to keep her son here, because if it weren\'t like this, Ramon would definitely leave this very second and no one would be able to hold him under the pretext; he was not required in the company.

After explaining all that, Lis then said goodbye to go home and promised to come back again with clean clothes for Ramon and Hailee.

Hailee could also stay at a nearby hotel if she felt uncomfortable sleeping in a hospital bed and being in this environment for too long, but Hailee didn\'t mind and this made Lis happy.

Hailee\'s attitude added a plus point to the girl in her eyes.

After saying a few more things, Lis then was about to step out of the room when someone from the opposite direction opened the door before Lis could.

"Mrs. Smith?" Lis immediately recognized who the woman was. It was not surprising because they were from the same social circle and the figures of the two women are very well known to the public.

And even though Giana was wearing a dark blue wind breaker and glasses that almost covered half of her face, Lis couldn\'t have not recognized her at this close.

On the other hand, Giana also looked a little surprised, but because she had already anticipated this, she quickly regained her confidence and smiled softly at Lis.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Tordoff," said Giana in her smooth, graceful voice. Even just by hearing her voice, people could immediately recognize the social strata? the woman belonged to.

What a wonderful personality. Of course, this could not be obtained easily ...

Lis, although being confused to see Giana Smith in this hospital, still smiled back at her and welcomed Giana\'s outstretched hand in a friendly manner.

One of the things you have to be good at in an environment like this is to take care of your attitude and emotions and not show them in front of the other person.

In other words, showing what you really feel or think and making it easy to read your actions, is a sin.

This is not a secret ...

Everyone of their social standing knew all of this.

It was a pretense that was very frequent in Ramon\'s life, therefore, Hailee\'s novel attitude toward him and how freely she would always express herself, was something that Ramon admired.

Hailee wouldn\'t spread fake smiles to please others or make snide comments that require trained skills to grasp the double meaning behind her words.

Because Hailee could cry in front of Ramon like what she did a few minutes ago and make himself touched, but she could also upset Ramon in just a few seconds because of her unexpected comments.

"I did not expect to meet you here Mrs. Smith," Lis smiled very friendly, but did not necessarily make the other person think of herself as an easy person.

"Oh, I happen to have a close relative treated here and I heard that Mr. Tordoff is also in the same hospital, so I took a minute to come and visit." Giana smiled back at Lis and lied smoothly. "I hope I don\'t interfere."

"Oh, of course not." Lis knew Giana was lying, and was just using the excuse that her family member was being treated here. Because Lis knew that the Tordoffs and Smiths weren\'t that close to the point of visiting each other, especially Giana and Ramon. They both have never been involved in the same project or activity. "I am glad Mrs. Smith took the time to come and visit. "

Another lie that both of them already aware of, but still they continued this drama.

"May I greet Mr. Tordoff for a minute?" Giana said politely, making her request sound like a business meeting without any particular purpose.

Hearing that, Lis narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a honey- sweet tone. "Of course, it just so happens that Hailee is in there too, Mrs. Smith can meet Ramon\'s future wife as well." Lis deliberately emphasized the words \'future wife\', to emphasize Hailee\'s status in their family.

Giana\'s visit this time is very unnatural and made Lis suspect that there was a certain purpose behind her arrival, especially when she even found out that Ramon was staying in this room, because not anyone could randomly find out about such confidential information.

But what did the young woman, married to a figure like Aidan Smith, want to do with her son?

"Oh, yes ... we met at the auction a few nights ago," Giana shared the information. She was still standing in the doorway because Lis had yet to move to the side and make way for Giana, despite her kind words to let Giana meet Ramon.

On the other hand, Hailee could only hear the conversation of the two women faintly from where she sat beside Ramon\'s bed, because of the continuous sound from the television that Ramon had turned on earlier.

From where she was sitting, Hailee could not see Giana\'sfigure either, because she was blocked by the wall covering the exit.

However, because Lis mentioned Mrs. Smith, of course the one and only Mrs. Smith that crossed Hailee\'s mind was Giana.

"Turn the volume down," Hailee hissed at Ramon, almost ordering, it seemed like this man was still not aware that his ex- girlfriend was acting recklessly by coming to Ramon\'s ward and confronting Lis directly.

Giana is like a warrior who is not afraid of dying on the battlefield and Hailee wanted to applaud this woman for her strong determination.

It\'s just that, because she was eyeing her future husband, so of course, Hailee would throw her away from Ramon\'s side.

"Can\'t you see I am watching the news?" Ramon frowned, responding to Hailee\'s request.

"Can\'t you see I am eavesdropping?" Hailee snapped angrily, as if the eavesdropping activity Hailee doing now was far more important than adding knowledge by knowing what news was out there.

"You really are shameless," Ramon grumbled, but let her be when Hailee snatched the television remote from his hand and turned the volume down impatiently.

"This is very important." Hailee returned to using the same tone as she scolded Ramon for glaring at her. "Didn\'t you hear? Your ex- girlfriend is at the door? In the middle of chatting with mom?"

Yes, Ramon did not hear it, but after the sound of the television was turned down and Hailee mentioned it, Ramon could now hear Giana\'s voice clearly.

"What did she want to come here for?" Hailee asked fiercely, staring at Ramon as if it was the man who had invited Giana to visit him.

"You can ask her directly," Ramon replied nonchalantly. It felt like, even when he was in the hospital, he couldn\'t have some peaceful rest...

Hailee didn\'t respond to Ramon\'s answer because she was busy making her own speculations and forced Ramon to listen to the hissses from her lips.

"Sheis definitely here to see you. She\'ll definitely want to talk about the time when you two were together, the good memories that belonged only to the two of you and try to make you remember the good times when you guys cheated on her husband\'s back," Hailee said irritably.

"Hailee," Ramon called out reproachfully.

"What?" Hailee asked fiercely.

"Stop saying things I don\'t remember at all." Ramon scolded her with a frown. Even now, it was still a mystery why he had been in an affair with Giana.

For two years! Has he gone mad to the point of doing such absurd things?

These were things Ramon couldn\'t ask Danny to investigate, because the answer was within himself and the only way was to remember them all.

It was just that, doing that is not as easy as it sounds.

Hailee didn\'t continue to argue with Ramon, but she still looked sullen at the fact that Giana was right at the door.

"You can throw her out if you don\'t like her," Ramon suggested, because he didn\'t like seeing Hailee like this. Only he could upset this girl.

Hailee snorted, but a moment later her eyes sparkled brightly and a smile bloomed on her lips. The tears were still apparent on her cheeks, but Ramon knew that this smile was quite an ominous sign.

"I have an idea…"

… And whatever the idea was, Ramon was not sure that he would like it.

"What do you want to do?" Ramon saw Hailee who dashed to the other side of the bed and pressed the button to recline the the bed to its normal position.

"Pretend to be asleep," Hailee said enthusiastically. "You are going to pretend to be asleep, so I can throw her out without guilt."

Even when she wanted to do something bad, Hailee wanted to save her innocence. What an unusual thought ...

"No, I wouldn\'t do that," Ramon immediately dismissed Hailee\'s idea. What did she mean by pretending to be asleep just to get rid of Giana? Ramon\'s pride felt unacceptable for doing this. It was the same as him hiding from problems rather than facing them.

That was not Ramon\'s style of doing things at all.

However, of course Hailee had her own way of getting this man in front of her to obey.

"So you want to meet Giana? Actually you want to meet your beautiful ex- lover, right?" The light in Hailee\'s eyes immediately faded and her smile disappeared, her head drooped weakly and she was like a child who was being punished.

So, what other choice did Ramon have but to follow her will?

Grumbling, Ramon closed his eyes and felt Hailee\'s lips touch his for a moment as she said in a voice full of laughter. "I love you."

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