It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



Apple didn\'t know what her dad and Jayden were talking about. But then, she didn\'t feel like knowing anything about it either. However, they had been talking for a long time and she was starving.

Therefore, after a long wait, Apple decided to eat first without waiting for the two of them, while watching television in the living room after tidying up the blankets and pillows she used to sleep on this sofa.

She felt sad because she had to be evicted from her own room and ended up sleeping on the sofa in her own house.

However, when Apple was almost done having her breakfast, the two men finally came out of the room and from the expressions they both had, it could be seen that the two of them had just discussed a fairly serious matter.

Only thing that made Apple complain was her father\'s next sentence.

"Why aren\'t you ready yet?" Pyro asked, looking at his daughter.

"Getting ready?" Apple didn\'t understand why there were so many misunderstandings this morning between her and her father. "Why should I get ready?" she asked confusedly.

"You\'re going to work in dad\'s place, aren\'t you?" Pyro reminded Apple. "Jayden will leave early and you will go with him."

"Why should I leave with him, he doesn\'t need me for that position," Apple protested, she didn\'t want to work with that annoying man, seeing him for just a few hours was too tiring, imagine if she had to see him all day. A big no.

"Jayden told dad what happened to you guys last night and how you got that wound on your neck." Pyro nodded toward Apple\'s neck. "You did a great job, and even though Jayden was slightly injured, it was much better than him losing his life."

Apple, who heard the statement, could only gape in confusion. It did seem like an excuse that Jayden would spout to her father.

Only, Apple knew that the man was making up a completely different story from the truth.

"Wait a minute, what did Jayden tell you?" Apple was trying to incite her dad to tell her the story Jayden told him.

This man was not only obnoxious and manipulative, but also an accomplished liar.

But, instead of responding to his daughter, Pyro waved his hand, dismissing the topic and preferring to go into the kitchen and eat his breakfast.

Meanwhile, Jayden walked over to Apple and sat beside her, showing off his devilish smile to the girl beside him.

"What did you say to my father?" Apple growled in annoyance, she removed his breakfast plate from in front of him and glared at Jayden.

Jayden shrugged and looked at her with innocent eyes. "I just told the truth regarding the chase after the two men last night," he replied casually.

"Then what did you say about this?" Apple then pointed to the bruises on her neck. "And this?" She pointed at the side of Jayden\'s face which was now turning blue from being untreated.

"I improvised the events a bit," Jayden replied lightly, he then smirked at how frustrated Apple was in dealing with him, he thought the facial expressions that Apple showed were very funny.

But before Apple could reply or say anything, her father had come from the kitchen with a plate of omelets, which was Jayden\'s breakfast.

"This is your breakfast, eat it first, even though this dish is not as delicious as your mother\'s," Pyro said, who then took a sitting position opposite the two of them.

Jayden took the plate from Pyro\'s hand then looked at Apple. "You made this?" he asked.

"Yes, why?" she asked offensively.

"You didn\'t put anything weird in it, did you?"

Apple felt that she wanted to give another bruise on the side of Jayden\'s face that looked still healthy, while her father laughed because he thought it was a funny joke, on the other hand, Jayden was actually serious with his words.

Because he knew what this girl could do. If she could think of hiding the AC remote from him and making Jayden miserable all night, it wasn\'t impossible for this girl to put weird things in his breakfast.

"If you don\'t want to eat it, you can just leave it on the table," Apple said curtly.

"No poison?" Jayden asked and he watched how Apple tried to kill him with her piercing eyes. "I will take that as you didn\'t put poison in this poor omelet."

"If you\'re so worried, you don\'t have to eat it."

Jayden popped a mouthful of omelet into his mouth. "I need energy to face today, especially when you will be around me and consuming a lot of my energy."

Apple didn\'t want to give him pleasure to tease her any further, so she just kept quiet and let her father, who did all the talking.

Mostly, Pyro would talk about Apple\'s childhood memories and how ridiculous she was when her father lied to her.

"You said I can\'t have a boyfriend before I turned, at least, eighteen years old," Apple snapped at him.

"Why?" Jayden asked, munching on his omelet, he looked like someone, who was not fed for weeks. He had a big appetite.

"Because he said my boyfriend was going to die," Apple retorted, and she felt stupid as her twelve year old self believed it blindly, until a friend of her had a boyfriend at fifteen and her boyfriend was still alive.

"And you believed that?" Jayden widened his eyes in disbelief at how stupid Apple was to believe such a lie.

But, before Apple could reply to Jayden\'s words, her father had already answered him between laughs that were unbearable at the memory of that moment.

"Oh, princess, of course he would die. Trust me, he would die if he dated my only daughter when you are not of legal age yet," Pyro said.

And those words reminded Jayden of how protective his father had been over Alina when a man dared to come over to his house and ask her out on a date.

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