It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 601 WHERE IS THE RING?

Chapter 601 WHERE IS THE RING?

  This was the second time Apple had acted out because she had drunk too much. She tended to act more cheekily when she was drunk.

  "Kiss, kiss, kiss…" Apple pulled Jayden\'s head to land a peck on his cheek.

  Just at the same time, a couple got into the elevator. From the looks of it, it looked like they were in their late fifties.

  The two glanced at Apple and smiled at Jayden who was forcefully kissed by her.

  "Mmuach!" said Apple as she managed to kiss Jayden, acting like a kid who had just gotten an early New Year\'s present, making the couple in front of them grin, pretending not to see the two of them.

  "I won\'t allow you to drink again at this rate," Jayden said fiercely at the frowning Apple, as he scolded her a little.

  "But it\'s not my fault," Apple objected. She didn\'t want to be blamed for something that wasn\'t her fault. "It\'s their fault."

  "Yeah, you\'re not wrong, but kicking things isn\'t good, you see? Isn\'t your leg hurt now? Why do you always get hurt when you are with me?" Jayden grumbled and it was a fact he couldn\'t deny. Moreover, since their wounds still hadn\'t healed from yesterday\'s events. Jayden even felt his leg, which was shot, still hurt a little, but he refused to let Apple down from his embrace.

  On the other hand, Apple ignored him, she was busy groping Jayden which made the man grit his teeth. This girl!

  While luckily the couple in front of them had made it to the floor they were on and when they went out, Jayden swore that the two of them were chuckling while glancing at himself and Apple.

  As for this girl, she didn\'t stop groping him and it made Jayden remember their first time together, because this was exactly what Apple did to him.

  "Oh! I found a ring!" exclaimed Apple, as she reached into Jayden\'s pocket and shoved the ring right into his face. "Look! The ring is so beautiful!"

  And when they both stepped out of the elevator, Apple gushed loudly on the ring she was holding, waving it in Jayden\'s face, while the man couldn\'t take the ring back because his hands were busy supporting Apple\'s body.

  "Look! I found a ring! I found a ring!" Apple sang the same line repeatedly along the corridor, while Jayden quickened his pace to quickly enter their room. "How much money will I get if I sell this ring?"

  Jayden grimaced. "The ring is not for sale, love." He then put down Apple because he had to enter a code to open his room door and with Apple constantly moving, it was very difficult to do so.

  But, as soon as her feet hit the floor, the girl immediately jumped away from Jayden, preparing to run away from him.

  Luckily, Jayden was quick enough and grabbed her hand before she could get away from there and run away from him.

  "You really want to be punished," Jayden growled, which then made Apple approach him and kiss his neck affectionately.

  "Okay, punish me," she whispered, which left Jayden speechless.

  Did something get into her when she was drunk? Because Apple would turn into a completely different person every time alcohol took over her system.

  "You won\'t like getting punished by me," Jayden whispered back, but he was having a hard time keeping his mind clear and this made his movements a little slow when he was about to open the door.

  "I like it, we\'ll see."

  And just as Apple finished saying that, Jayden pushed their room door open and immediately pulled her into the room, before pinning her against the door and kissing her a little harshly.

  This girl would truly become the death of him if she continued to act like this. Jayden would happily proceed with what they would do next, but he was reminded of his bleeding leg.

  Therefore, he distanced himself from the girl and this made Apple whimper.

  "No. No. No. I am not done yet…" Apple whined, trying to pull Jayden back to her and trying to kiss him, but since Jayden was so much taller and Apple couldn\'t reach him, especially since he refused to bend over, she couldn\'t get what she wanted.

  "I am not finished with you yet," Jayden said in a voice that sounded very dark, staring at the whining Apple. "We\'ll finish this later after I treat your leg."

  Now, Jayden was just waiting for someone to bring him a box of first aid kit, so he could clean the wound before fixing their \'problem\'.

  Apple scowled, pouting her lips and folding her arms across her chest, staring at him fiercely.

  "Come here, have a seat, I\'ll get you some water," Jayden said in a tired tone, then he grabbed Apple\'s hand to lead her to the bed.

  However, halfway to their bed, he realized something and stopped to examine Apple\'s hands.

  "Where\'s the ring?" Jayden asked, which made Apple tilt her head and look all over her body, but she couldn\'t find the ring.

  Instead, Apple asked Jayden back. "Where\'s the ring?" And then she started going over Jayden\'s body, groping him like she had done before.

  "Apple, the ring wasn\'t with me, you were holding it." Jayden tried to hold his temper.

  And it seemed that Jayden\'s low voice and fierce gaze made Apple slightly wake up from her drunken state and realize that she had screwed up.

  Even though she still seemed to have no idea what the ring was for, seeing that look in Jayden\'s eyes made her rush back toward the door.

  "Must have fallen around here…" she said frantically and started searching the floor. 

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