It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



  And when midnight had passed and Apple had confirmed that Gladys had slept soundly after she was tired of telling stories, Apple opened her eyes and got out of bed slowly so as not to wake Gladys to go to the living room, where Jayden should have been sleeping.

  And Apple saw Jayden had closed his eyes with his legs dangling out of the sofa, because they were too long, Apple went over to Jayden, to see if this man needed something. 

  Apple walked out of the room looking left and right, to make sure Misha or her father didn\'t wake up in the middle of the night.

  "Are you asleep?" asked Apple, walking over to the couch, where Jayden was lying. "Good night," said Apple because there was no reaction from Jayden, she then kissed his forehead.

  But before she could kiss Jayden\'s forehead, the man opened his eyes suddenly and almost made Apple scream in surprise.

  "Are you going to kiss me?" Jayden asked, his eyes shining, as if he hadn\'t slept at all. Maybe he didn\'t sleep.

  Hearing that question, of course Apple froze in her half-bowed position while their faces were only about half an inch from each other\'s.

  Apple didn\'t think that Jayden would wake up from his slumber. Apparently, he didn\'t sleep at all, therefore, this moment was very awkward for him.

  "Or should I pretend to be asleep again so you\'ll kiss me?" asked Jayden, who then closed his eyes again, pretending to be asleep.

  Of course, this made Apple laugh softly and in the end she kissed Jayden on the lips instead.

  "Good night," Apple whispered quietly then stood up straight and was about to go back to her room, but Jayden pulled her hand so that her body fell onto Jayden\'s body.

  Well, actually in this position, it could be said that Apple was sitting on Jayden\'s stomach and the man grimaced a little, but then he wrapped his arms around Apple\'s body and made her unable to move anywhere.

  "Jayden!" cried Apple with a mortified face. She immediately looked at her room and also her father\'s room, afraid that one of them would wake up and come out of the room and find them both like this.

  Apple did not know what reason she would give if that happened.

  "Just a moment," Jayden grumbled as Apple kept trying to free herself from Jayden\'s embrace. "They\'ve had you occupied since this afternoon, I just wanted to be with you for a bit," Jayden whined.

  Jayden even made Apple fit enough on this cramped couch, while he snuggled closer to her and hugged her even tighter, piling his legs on top of Apple\'s and making her unable to move.

  "Jayden, what if someone sees?" asked Apple, her voice like a hiss now and she looked scared.

  However, Jayden didn\'t respond because he was busy hugging Apple before snuggling closer to her body.

  "Just for a moment, just for a moment," Jayden whined. "If you keep making noise, they\'ll wake up, so you should just keep quiet."

  After saying that, Jayden closed his eyes.


  "Why are your eyes red? Are you sleep deprived?" Gladys asked as she helped Apple to unbox the breakfast sets.

  Gladys took the initiative to order a fancy breakfast from her favorite restaurant and asked one of her people to bring it here, so this morning, they didn\'t have to prepare breakfast for five people at once and it wasn\'t too much of a hassle.

  "Yeah, maybe a little… I had a hard time sleeping last night," Apple muttered as she was busy plating their breakfast.

  "Strange…" Gladys tilted her head. "I thought we slept around the same time last night," Gladys muttered.

  Apple did not respond to this. Of course she couldn\'t sleep as her body was hugged so tightly by Jayden. The man really didn\'t let go even when he was asleep.

  Apple was only able to get away from Jayden when she said that she needed to go to the bathroom and only after that Jayden let her go.

  But, of course after going to the bathroom, Apple went straight into her room and pulled her blanket to sleep.

  But, with less than two hours of sleep, the sun was up in no time and, unexpectedly, Gladys was a morning person. The girl woke up and immediately woke up Apple as well.

  Meanwhile, Jayden was in the living room checking something on his laptop while Misha and Pyro were still asleep in the room.

  This morning was refreshing and also looked very calm, but just a few minutes later, they heard a scream from Pyro\'s room.

  It was not clear who screamed, but one of them seemed to have woken up and was surprised to find someone beside them.

  "Looks like the morning drama has started," Gladys said, grinning. She then followed Apple out of the kitchen to her father\'s room. Jayden had gotten there first and seemed to be smiling happily when he saw Misha and Pyro\'s reaction.

  The two men were still on the bed, while Pyro looked surprised, Misha was holding his head, it was obvious that he was having a hangover.

  "What the hell…" Pyro muttered cluelessly, he looked at Jayden and Apple, then Gladys. "Why did he get here?" he asked confusedly. He remembered that he had entered the room alone, but why was Misha suddenly beside him?

  Not only that, Pyro apparently woke up when he felt someone rubbing his back while muttering words he didn\'t understand.

  And when he opened his eyes, Misha\'s face was the first thing he saw, so close, that it took him by surprise.

  "Don\'t shout like that, you make my head hurt," Misha grumbled, he didn\'t even care where he was right now. "Stop being so dramatic."

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