It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



After the wedding was over, the three of them went home together, but because it was too late and Kia and Mika were too tired, they ended up falling asleep on their way home. Even when they reached home, both of them were still sleeping.         

Not wanting to wake either of them up, Misha carried Kia while he asked Richard to carry Mika.     

"Where are you taking Ms. Kia?" Richard asked with a frown when he saw that Misha didn\'t bring Kia into Mika\'s room.     

As far as Richard knew, Kia and Mika slept in the same room together.     

"None of your business," Misha said curtly as he entered his own room. But from behind, Richard muttered, loud enough to be called a mumble, as if he hoped that Misha would hear this.     

"You must not take advantage of an unconscious woman, Mr. Tordoff."     

"She\'s not unconscious, just asleep," Misha corrected him.     

And when Richard got a look, he immediately went into Mika\'s room without saying anything else.     

In the room, Misha lay Kia down on the bed and contemplated for a moment, should he change her dress?     

But, then he would wake Kia up and it was inevitable that she would get up immediately and move into Mika\'s room if he did so.     

Thus, Misha just let it go. After cleaning her face and changing his own clothes, Misha then lay down beside Kia and looked at her sleeping face peacefully.     

Misha wanted to see her always calm like this, without having to think about burdensome things. He wanted Kia to depend on him, thinking that she could lean on him comfortably.     

"I hope you don\'t get hurt anymore," Misha muttered before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.     

The night was calm and long and when the sun came up the first thing that woke them both up was the sound of Mika crying. She was sobbing, standing at the end of their bed.     

It woke Kia and Misha up.     

The little girl hugged her stuffed rabbit while looking at the both of them with a hurt look.     

"What is it?" asked Kia while rubbing her face, she was still sleepy, therefore she still didn\'t realize what happened or where she was. "Come here, why are you standing there?"     

Mika then walked toward Kia while still crying. She hugged her mother tightly.     

"You are bad, why did you sleep together without Mika?" asked Mika in between her tears.     

"Slept together?" Kia was still confused, but then her gaze fell on Misha who was also awake. He was beside Kia and this surprised her. "What are you doing here? Why are you sleeping in this room?"     

It was obvious that Misha had been sleeping here, based on the fact he\'d just woken up with his messy hair.     

"Of course I slept here, this is my room," said Misha in a slightly hoarse voice.     

"Your room?" Kia repeated confusedly, but then she looked around and found that the room she was currently in was indeed not Mika\'s room and this made her face turn red.     

But, Kia didn\'t have time to be embarrassed, because Mika was sulking as she felt abandoned, thinking she was not invited to sleep together.     

"Why can\'t we sleep together?" asked Mika with a sad look at her mother.     

"That…" Kia didn\'t know what to say, because she herself didn\'t know why Misha took her to his room instead of Mika\'s bedroom.         

"Because last night I misplaced your sleeping mother," Misha explained. "I should have put mom in Mika\'s room, but put her in mine instead."     

What kind of reason was that? Kia thought, but Mika bought it.     

"Then, why didn\'t Uncle put Mama back in Mika\'s room?"     

"Because I\'m too tired, therefore, I let mom sleep in this room." Misha wiped Mika\'s tears away. "You like cuddling with us?"     

Mika then nodded.     

"Then come here, let\'s cuddle." Misha swiftly lay Mika in the middle and tucked her in before he stretched out his arms to hug Mika and Kia at the same time.     

Ok, nice try...     

Kia wanted to roll her eyes. Mika wouldn\'t notice this, but of course, Kia could quickly read what Misha wanted from cuddling time like this. He really did it seamlessly.     

"Why? You don\'t like cuddling time?" Misha asked when he noticed the gaze from Kia. He even pretended to be innocent as if he did not know anything.     

"No, I like it," Kia muttered as Mika was also staring at her, waiting for a response from her.     

"I\'m glad you like this, I wish we could do this more often," Misha said.     

But, before Kia could reject the idea, he asked Mika.     

"What do you think Mika? does Mika like to do this more often?" asked Misha mischievously.     

"Yes, Mika likes it, Mika wants to do this every day," said Mika happily. She giggled happily while hugging her mom and dad.     

On the other hand, Kia had nothing to say.     

But, after that, Misha didn\'t dare to ask Kia to sleep in his room, lest the same thing happened again. He was afraid his daughter would cry again. He just decided to make both Kia and Mika sleep in his room whenever he got a chance.     

And that was how their days passed, they were like a happy little family, even though it couldn\'t really be said what the relationship between the two of them was.     

They were co- parenting indeed.     

It was just that, occasionally Misha would kiss Kia\'s forehead or cheek, as a gesture of affection, but nothing more than that.     

Especially when their daughter would show up at any moment and catch them both red- handed if they were doing anything else.     

And what was more, the timing didn\'t seem right, because Misha was very busy recently and their time together was very limited.     

Until one night, Kia woke up because someone had entered their room, but after taking a glance, she knew that it was Misha.     

Instead of getting up and greeting him and asking if there was anything he needed, Kia actually pretended to be asleep and waited to see what Misha would do.     

As it turned out, Misha just stood there staring at the two of them before giving a kiss while whispering \'good night, sweet dreams\', and after that he went out of the room carefully so as not to make any noise.     

After Misha came out of the room, Kia woke up and sat on her bed. She felt that it was time for them to talk.         

Kia looked for Misha in his room, but found he wasn\'t there.     

Therefore, she looked for him in his study, because Misha often visited those two rooms, apart from Mika\'s room of course.     

Kia peeked inside and found Misha on a phone call with someone, but she didn\'t know what they were talking about, because Misha was speaking in a foreign language.     

Thinking that Misha would spend the all night working, Kia decided to make him a cup of coffee and bring him some snacks.     

But, as soon as Kia came back she found Misha sitting in his chair with his eyes closed as he was leaning his back comfortably. His breathing was even, but there was a furrow between his brows.     

He seemed to be thinking about something very deeply, even when he was sleeping.     

Kia then carefully placed the tray containing the coffee and snacks and approached Misha, making sure that he was asleep.     

Kia stared at Misha\'s face for a while until the man opened his eyes and he looked clearly sleepy.     

"Did I wake you up?" she asked. She leaned her waist against the edge of Misha\'s desk.     

"No," Misha said softly as he rubbed his face.     

"You shouldn\'t sleep here," Kia said again. She then reached out her hand to touch the hair that fell past Misha\'s forehead. She didn\'t know why she was doing this, only, she was driven by an impulsive desire to do it.     

"I still have a lot of work to finish," said Misha, taking Kia\'s hand and kissing her palm.     

Kia was stunned, but she didn\'t withdraw her hand and let Misha do what he wanted. Kia also didn\'t say anything as Misha smiled at her and looked at her with lazy eyes.     

"You\'ve been very busy lately," Kia finally said after a long silence. "Is your workload heavy?"     

"I just want to finish my usual work quickly, so I can take you both on a  vacation," said Misha and this was shocking news for Kia, because she had never heard of this before. "We\'ve never gone on a holiday, just the three of us, before, have we? Mika said that she wanted to experience camping after watching a television show."     

Kia lowered her head while muttering. "Looks like I troubled you again."     

"Don\'t say things like that, stop saying and thinking you\'re a bother. I\'m glad you are bothering me."     

"Your way of being happy is very strange," said Kia half laughing. "Then thank you."     

"I\'d prefer if you showed your gratitude in some other way," Misha again said the same thing.     

"How should I show it?" asked Kia, she tilted her head. "Do you want me to sleep with you to show you how thankful I am?"     

Misha frowned at the comment, but then he took it casually. "It\'s also fine if you want to show it like that, it\'s been a long time since I\'ve slept with a woman anyway." He winked at her, who stared back at him sullenly. "All I want is for you to wear this."     

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