Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 158

Even Ma Qiao had finished cleaning up the mess and left the two youngsters in the garden pavilion, so the two of them looked like they were in their bubble now.

The tension was indeed broken by the sudden laughter, but Bai Chen was still frowning when the other man suddenly laughed. He still had the spoon in his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on the raven-haired man as he chewed his food.

“You said you like my scent, didn’t you?” Zhu Ge asked after he stopped laughing. He even used his index finger to wipe the non-existent tears from his eyes after laughing out loud. “I admit that I do have the smell of wet leaves, but it’s not because I like eating vegetables. How did you come up with such an idea?”

It seemed that Bai Chen was too innocent in Zhu Ge’s eyes, and he looked very annoyed with the man who laughed at him just because of his innocence.

Bai Chen suddenly wanted to take back his statement, but he wouldn’t be able to take it back because Zhu Ge had heard it.

Swallowing his food, the Werewolf Prince then replied, “If it wasn’t for your habit of eating lots of vegetables, then where did your scent come from?”

Bai Chen had noticed the fresh scent on Zhu Ge’s body since they had first met each other three weeks ago. He first noticed it when they were walking through the forest, and at that moment, he assumed that the scent was coming from the wet leaves in the forest.

However, even after they were no longer in the forest, Zhu Ge still had the same scent on his body, and when the man told him that he preferred eating vegetables to meat, Bai Chen immediately connected the two dots, thinking that the source of the scent was from food.


But now that Zhu Ge was openly laughing at his innocent thoughts, Bai Chen knew that his theory was not correct.

Zhu Ge was no longer laughing, but the man still smiled before raising his hand and using it to ruffle the Prince’s half-wet hair. “How can a Prince appear with disheveled hair like this? You’re lucky that lao Ma didn’t immediately scold you for your appearance, ChenChen,” he brought up a different topic instead of explaining the situation to Bai Chen.

The owner of the brown hair pouted before pulling the man’s hand away from his head. He had indeed not returned to the Jing Pavilion to comb his hair, and his hair was still wet after coming out of the bathroom.

Indeed, he was lucky that Ma Qiao didn’t seem to notice his hair earlier. If the old man realized that he dared to come out with a disheveled appearance, he would definitely receive an earful from the servant.

“Stop changing the subject and just answer my questions!” Not wanting to be teased by the black-haired man again, Bai Chen firmly reprimanded the man while using his fingers to brush his long hair.

He had long hair ever since he transmigrated to this world, and it was quite a hassle for him to comb it when it was dry. Therefore, he was forced to use his fingers to comb it now before it was completely dry.

However, someone suddenly grabbed his hand which was still combing his brown hair, and he looked up only to find that it was Zhu Ge who stopped him from his activities.

His right hand was still in Zhu Ge’s grip, and he could see how Zhu Ge’s free hand was pulling something out from inside his red robe before using it to brush his hair.

Bai Chen was taken aback. He didn’t know why Zhu Ge had a comb in his robes, but the man was using a comb to comb his brown hair now.

“You carry a comb everywhere? Are you a girl?” Even if he was quite surprised by what Zhu Ge had done to him, Bai Chen was still an arrogant man, and he could even mock the taller man in this situation.

He expected that Zhu Ge would tease him back, but he was wrong as the man continued to gently brush his brown hair while replying in a soft voice, “I visited a market when I was in Wu Li, and I saw that this comb was quite beautiful. I thought of you when I saw it, and that’s why I bought it right away.”

It could be said that Zhu Ge was still as flirty as ever, but he sounded earnest this time, and he didn’t seem to be joking with Bai Chen. The person who heard those words didn’t even know how to react.

Bai Chen didn’t say anything in the end, letting the other man help him tidy up his long hair. The movement in his hair was so gentle, and Bai Chen wondered if his hair was so fragile that Zhu Ge needed to treat it like treating a thin glass.

“Don’t you know that I’m helping you clear your troubled mind now, Bai Chen?” No longer using the nickname ‘ChenChen,’ Zhu Ge sounded serious when he asked a question.

“What do you mean?” Bai Chen asked back in confusion. “You didn’t even answer my question earlier, so why are you saying that you helped me clear my troubled mind now?”

Bai Chen had always known that Zhu Ge had always been mysterious with his words, and nothing seemed to have changed even if they hadn’t seen each other for more than two weeks.

Still using his comb to brush through Bai Chen’s brown hair, Zhu Ge replied, “You don’t know that hair is called threadlike things of troubles? I’m helping you straighten your hair right now, so you can say that I’m also helping you to tidy up your mind.”

“...” Bai Chen fell silent.

Zhu Ge only helped him comb his hair, but the man dared to say that he helped him tidy his mind just because of that kind of belief. Of course, Bai Chen also knew about how ancient people had opinions regarding hair, and he didn’t look confused after hearing Zhu Ge’s words.

“That’s right. Hair is called threadlike things of troubles, so are you going to say that I have to shave my head completely so I can get rid of all the problems in my mind?” Being sarcastic, Bai Chen replied to Zhu Ge’s statement.

Again and again, Zhu Ge laughed in amusement as he stopped the movement of his hand on the Prince’s head. He had finished combing the brown locks, and the hair was neat and pleasing to the eye again.

Turning his brown eyes towards a pair of blue eyes, the owner of brown beads replied, “No. I’m not going to ask you to shave your head completely.”

Bai Chen frowned when he heard the answer, and he asked once again, “Why not?”

Smiling sweetly, Zhu Ge didn’t immediately answer the question, and instead, he grabbed Bai Chen’s right hand once more before opening the palm and placing the comb on it.

“Just let your beautiful hair grow long, and you can use this comb to straighten your hair whenever you need it. That’s the reason I bought this comb, Bai Chen.”

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