NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 552: every other person

But Haslem\'s defense is not covered. In Haslem\'s crazy winding, it is difficult for Stoudemire to score consecutively.

On the Heat\'s side, Jr. Smith, the nerve knife, wanted to change the situation, but encountered Tony Allen\'s death entanglement.

After the third quarter, with Millsap\'s final mid-range score, the two teams tied again.

The moment the electronic buzzer sounded, all the fans at the scene were extremely excited.

It stands to reason that it is difficult to keep fans excited all the time in a game.

After all, there are always highs and lows in a game.

Even after some games, all of them were flat.

But this duel was simply high-burning throughout the whole process, without a minute of peeing.

Almost every round of the duel was wonderful, and everyone watched with excitement.

"It\'s so exciting, this is the real peak duel!"

"It\'s not easy for the Knicks to surpass the Heat to win eight consecutive victories, but it\'s not easy for the Heat to end the Knicks\' winning streak!"

Kenny Smith explained very seriously today.

Even O\'Neill and Barkley, who usually talk a lot, seem to be much quieter today.

They were really attracted by the duel on the field, and for a moment they forgot to tease the audience.

However, the audience\'s attention was all on the game, and they didn\'t notice the abnormality of the "tnt sky group" for a while.

Fans and commentators enjoyed this duel, but the players on both sides were panting from exhaustion.

The tit-for-tat confrontation between Lian Dao and James infected everyone, and everyone fought against each other.

Therefore, the intensity of this game is very high, and everyone\'s physical energy consumption is not small.

From the current point of view, there is no room for others to intervene in the game.

The previous three quarters have proved that no one has the ability to change the trend of the game on the field.

In this game, in the end, only Lian Dao and James can decide the outcome.

Up to now, Lian Dao and James are basically in a situation where each other explodes.

The point is, neither of them had a low shooting percentage in this game.

Both are scoring and neither can stop the other.

But everyone knows that there is only one winner in the end.

It depends on who can persist until the end, and who can make the details perfect at the critical moment!

In the fourth quarter, the fight between the two sides continued.

Lian Dao and James are still the same as before, if you buy one, I will return one.

The scores of the two teams climbed alternately, and the game time became less and less.

Until the last 40 seconds of the game, James used Bosh\'s outside pick-and-roll, hit a three-pointer, and took the lead in helping the Heat open the score at the end.

After James scored this three-pointer, he beat his chest and roared excitedly.

So far, James has scored 39 points.

In the last 40 seconds, the Heat led by one point. The situation was not too friendly for the Knicks.

Their next offense must be scored, otherwise the Heat may counterattack in the final stage.

The pressure has also completely come to the Knicks.

It was still Lian Dao who took over the ball.

He is not a player who throws the blame at critical moments. The more he is at the last moment, the more he has to take responsibility.

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"Sickle took the ball resolutely!"

"This crucial attack, Sickle doesn\'t intend to hand it over to other people. Today, Sickle didn\'t choose to fish!"

In the voice of Kenny Smith\'s commentary, Lian Dao made a breakthrough.

However, James\' lateral speed is very fast.

Even though the game has reached the end of the fourth quarter, James\' physical fitness seems to be the same as in the first quarter.

In fact, although James has excellent physical fitness, the game has already reached this level, and he is also very tired.

However, this guy saw that Lian Dao didn\'t show signs of fatigue, so of course he wouldn\'t choose to show weakness first.

Even if it feels like an angry physical competition!

This game has reached the level it is now, and no one can easily give up.

But this time, the Heat obviously didn\'t want Lian Dao to score.

Not only James, Wade and Haslem are double-teaming him.

Lian Dao knew that he couldn\'t attack by force, so he pulled the ball beyond the three-point line again and made a gesture.

Holledi came forward to respond knowingly.

Lian Dao handed the ball to Holiday, and then started running wildly.

Intersperse, find cover, turn back and run, find cover again!

James is still chasing Lian Dao, but everyone in the Knicks provides off-ball screens for Lian Dao.

And Lian Dao runs like a tireless perpetual motion machine.

Even James, who was physically fit enough to explode, couldn\'t help scolding Lian Dao in his heart: Livestock!

In fact, Lian Dao is also at the end of his battle.

The only motivation that supports him to keep accelerating is that he just doesn\'t want to lose!

He wants to win!

From the time James stepped over his body, Lian Dao didn\'t treat this game as a regular season.

Instead, treat it as the finals, or even the final showdown!

Finally, when there are only 5 seconds left in the 24-second shot clock.

Lian Dao finally got rid of James through the cover of Stoudemire and Cousins.

Lian Dao and Holiday made a hand-to-hand pass.

And with the help of Holiday\'s cover, he briefly got rid of Wade who was defending.

Direct outside three-point shot.


A three-pointer was hit, and Lian Dao returned it again!

The cheers of the audience resounded through the sky!

"Sickle\'s firepower is unabated, you can always trust Sickle\'s ability to score at critical moments!"

"With this goal, he not only helped the Knicks lead the score again, but also, so far, Sickle has scored 43 points!"

"Next, the pressure is on James and the Heat."

"18 seconds, two points behind, this time is still very abundant!"

"However, they must continue to fire like the Knicks, otherwise they can only accept defeat in this game!"

Coach Spoelstra did not call a timeout, he chose to believe that James could fight back!

The Heat are still pushing the offense in an orderly manner, and it seems that they want to press time.

Since the time is pressed, it seems that they want to end the game directly with a three-pointer.

James is still holding the ball, and Lian Dao directly defends oppressively, not giving James any chance.

James saw that there was no chance of shooting from the outside, so he called Haslem to cover.

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Stoudemire brought it up in time and didn\'t give James any room to shoot.

Seeing that there was no chance of a three-pointer, James learned from Lian Dao, and after handing the ball to Chalmers, he started running wildly.

It\'s not that James doesn\'t have the ability to play off the ball, it\'s just that playing off the ball will weaken his role in the game.

In short, it is overkill.

Of course, James\' off-ball threat is almost meaningless compared to Lian Dao.

This is mainly because James\' shooting is not as stable as Lian Dao\'s, and his shooting rate is not as high as Lian Dao\'s.

However, in this game, James\' shooting rate was very good, 15 of 24 shots, 62.5% shooting rate.

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Among them, the three-point shooting was 4 of 8 shots, with a 50% hit rate.

Bosh screened without the ball, and then Haslem also stepped forward to screen.

Finally, after some back and forth running, James briefly got rid of the defense of Lian Dao and Stoudemire.

Now he only has Holiday in front of him, but James doesn\'t care too much.

Although Holiday\'s defense is good, he is not enough to defend himself.

Moreover, facing Holiday\'s defense, James also has sufficient confidence to score.

Catch the ball and take off.

James just jumped but found that behind Holiday, Lian Dao raised his arms and blocked it.

Moreover, although Lian Dao took off across Holiday, he was tall and had long arms.

And the bullet speed is faster than James, and the height is higher, plus the advantage of long arms.

James, who was in the air, realized that the escape he thought was just a trap set by the other party.

However, at this time, he had no choice but to choose to make a move.

However, when shooting, James slightly adjusted the height of the shot.

Seeing this, Lian Dao twisted his waist, and the powerful explosive force raised his body up again, and his arms continued to extend.


Lian Dao felt the touch from the middle finger, he touched it!

After the basketball was touched by Lian Dao\'s middle finger, it changed its direction of travel.

"LeBron took Zhu Chengcheng\'s shot, wait...sickle came up to defend...was taken?!"

"LeBron\'s shot at a critical moment was taken by Sickle!"

"Besides, Sickle is still separated by a player. This physical talent is really terrifying!"

O\'Neill opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

As the most talented owner of the No. 5 position in NBA history, O\'Neill couldn\'t help but be amazed at Lian Dao\'s talent.

"No, rebound!"

James found that he still underestimated Lian Dao\'s long arm.

He secretly yelled that it was not good, and then wanted Bosh to help him grab the rebound.

Unfortunately, Cousins ​​took the lead to push Bosh away and grabbed the rebound.

Immediately, he wanted to make a long pass to Lian Dao.

Seeing this, Bosh immediately fouled Cousins.

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